Summer 2
Our learning in Year 4 will build upon prior knowledge and learning as well as delving into and exploring new topics and skills.
Pupils will be working towards producing their own explanation text this term. This will be based on our class book – ‘Pig Heart Boy’ by Malorie Blackman. In this book the pupils are introduced to the characters’ favourite game -Dare Devil Dive, and it is this that will be the stimulus for our writing. Pupils will look at the features of an explanation text and use them to talk about their own sport.
Many grammatical terms and features will continue to be taught through our English lessons but pupils will also take part in separate Grammar lessons. Within these lessons, we will be recapping all that we have learnt this year and ensuring that all pupils have a solid understanding of how to identify and use each feature.
Bedrock will continue to be used to improve pupils’ vocabulary knowledge. Pupils will be given opportunities in class to complete sessions but the expectation for pupils to complete at least 2 lessons a week at home still remains.
Explanation text casual conjunction cause effect diagram explain rhetorical question audience pronoun noun phrase adverbial phrase prepositional phrase word class subordinate clause
Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference, which was introduced last year. Having now become confident in all the skills, pupils will be working in small groups to share and discuss a text using all the different skills they have learnt. They will listen to each other and will have to justify their own viewpoints, especially if they differ from someone else’s. Having to do this will support their use of locating and finding evidence. Pupils will continue to develop their comprehension skills through answering questions.
Pupils will also practice these skills through the means of our class text. Inference and prediction will play a large part in this term's work and pupils will be using this skill to gain a deep understanding of the character’s situation and behaviour.
fluency key word important specific recover meaning relate relationship annotate unpick understand evidence relevant accurate justify support explain conflicting views
Pupils will start off the term working on money and then onto time. These are areas of Maths that need to be recapped everyday, both at home and in school. After both of these units, pupils will move on to statistics, which will see them creating their own graphs and charts as well as drawing conclusions from those already given. The final topic for Year 4 will then be Geometry. Within this they will look at various shapes, angles, position and translation.
Every week pupils will complete a Number and Lightning and skills for this will be taught in addition to their daily Maths lesson. Pupils who are already competent in various areas will further embed their understanding through a series of deepening and enriching tasks.
Times Tables will be a huge focus in class, with daily teaching and practice. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 in order to access all the curriculum. Pupils should also work on their times table at home.
Pound pence decimal amount total change conversion currency analogue digital pm am hours minutes seconds quarter to quarter past half past o clock line graph bar chart pictogram increase decrease scale axis conclusions data quadrilaterals triangles angles acute obtuse right angle translation up down left right
We will be following Kapow for our Computing this term and will be focusing on Data Handling: Investigating weather. Pupils will be recoding their own weather forecast, use keywords to find information and data on the internet, understand about weather stations, design their own way of recording the weather and inputting their own data on a spreadsheet.
Data weather station signal input spreadsheet accurate climate zone collaboration thermometer forecast script measurement presenter backdrop sensor solar panel
To start the term, pupils will be finishing off the previous topic – Safety and the Changing Body, where they will look at how the body changes as they get older and how puberty affects us before moving on to our final topic which is transition. Pupils will use this lesson to reflect on their time in Year 4 and how far they have come as an individual. We will look at setting targets for the following year and how we can all support each other as they move into Year 5.
Goal achievement change grow pride transition confidence self-belief puberty grow change body private privacy
Our topic within RE this half-term is Does the language of scripture matter? Within this unit pupils will be looking at how scripture has developed, the importance of it within a range of religions and how these scriptures differ between religions.
Tradition religion scripture Hebrew Arabic culture dialect translation diaspora symbols text language linguist
Pupils will take part in two PE lessons each week. One lesson will be focused on Rounders and the other on Athletics and/or Tennis.
Rounders – within Rounders pupils will develop their ability to strike a ball and aim to develop their accuracy with regard to the direction and placement of the ball. In addition to this, we will look at the key skills needed when fielding such a long and short barrier and how to bowl correctly. On top of this, all pupils will become confident with the rules.
Rounders strike bat ball fielders long barrier short barrier bowl under arm over arm base score out no ball over run post bowling box batters square runner team accuracy placement distance
Athletics – pupils will continue to look at range of events that fall under athletics and will also start to prepare for the upcoming Sports Day.
Tennis – alongside Athletics, which was introduced last half-term, pupils will have the chance to improve their racket skills as they take part in tennis skills practice and matches with their peers.
Tennis racket ball serve court forehand backhand slice power accuracy direction pairs doubles deuce love net control
In Geography we will be looking at deserts. We will look at whether deserts are always hot, how they are formed, the Sahara Desert, the types of plants and animals that inhabit there, how humans use the desert and the Patagonian Desert.
Hydrated dehydrated desert vegetation arid Sahara Desert plummet lush sand dunes oasis oases store drought Sahel semi-arid desertification nutrients overgrazing flora fauna desolate succulents cactus cacti nocturnal lichen blubber steppe divert Great Steppe yurts portable Patagonia hostile exceeds exposes extinct
In French this half-term our topic is French food – Miam Miam! Pupils will be introduced to a range of food items in French and will be learning how to order food in a French restaurant. As well as this, they will use euros to calculate the cost of a range of meals.
Euros le restaurant le menu une boisson j’ai voudrais merci j’aime le serveur l’addition
Music will be taught through a program called Kapow and our topic is called Adapting and Transposing motifs (The Romans). Pupils will be learning a new song, listening for the repetitive phrases in the lyrics and notes in the song, writing their own motif and combining several motifs together to perform as a group.
Backing track beat composing in tune lyrics tempo repetitive motif notation vocal warm up pitch tempo loop key call and response base line rhythm transpose
Science this term will all be focused on the Digestive System. Pupils will be looking at the structure of teeth and the functions of them. The digestive system will explored tracking how our food travels through our bodies and the importance of a healthy digestive system.
Carnivore omnivore herbivore incisor molar canine premolar digestion stomach acid bile large intestine small intestine anus
This term, our DT will be making our very own mechanical slingshot car. As part of this we will look at how transport has developed and how we can use the developments within this area to support the planning and then creating our own cars.
Sling shot chassis streamline speed structure plan angle measure cladding mechanics kinetic energy research model template
Links to learning sites
Key dates:
Summer term starts – Monday 3rd June 2024
Multiplication check window – Monday 3rd June – Friday 7th June 2024
Dress down day for raffle donation – Friday 7th June 2024
National Sports Week – Monday 17th June – Friday 21st June 2024
Summer Fayre - Wednesday 26th June 2024
Open evening – Wednesday 10th July 2024
Sports Day reserve date – Wednesday 17th July 2024
School disco – Wednesday 17th July 2024
Last day of summer term – Friday 19th July 2024