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Summer 2


Independent short burst writing each day will continue to allow the children to apply skills they have learned to date and proudly share.

Children will continue to use Bedrock in school to improve their vocabulary knowledge.

Model text – The Manor House (Pie Corbett) – Tale of Fear. Using the model text children will develop their writing skills to become effective writers and create a structured, atmospheric suspense story.

Through learning the story, children will explore plot, settings, characters and how they can use this information to infer and understand. They will build on their previous vocabulary learned.  Children will continue using fronted adverbials in their writing and learn the importance of changing them to create new ideas. They will also continue to develop their use of expanded noun phrases, verbs and commas in a list within their writing. Children will use drama to show different emotions and will learn how to use these emotions in their writing. We will discuss and describe different settings such as abandoned places, swamps and graveyards and share feelings they may experience if they were to visit these places. Children will write a story focusing on character’s feelings using powerful verbs e.g. she crept slowly along the path, as she wandered nervously towards a door which grabbed her attention.  

Reading for Inference

Podkin One – Kieran Larwood

Children will continue with their work on reading for inference. They will focus in on the skills of breakdown and identifying VIP words. This will support the pupils when they lose the meaning of what they are reading and will help them to identify keywords, those that are important to understanding the meaning of the text. Alongside this, we will work hard on using evidence to support our opinions and facts and ensure that when we choose our evidence, it is appropriate and the best possible piece it can be.


Fluency, key word, important, specific, recover, meaning, relate, relationship, annotate, unpick, understand, evidence, relevant, accurate

We will continue to focus on presentation and handwriting in Summer 2, and we are so pleased to see so many children enjoying and using cursive. We will continue to focus this term on the Year 3/4 high frequency word list. If you would like another copy of this to work on at home, alongside the individualised word walls, please let a member of the Year 3 team know.


Fluency, key word, important, specific, recover, meaning, relate, relationship, annotate, unpick, understand, evidence, relevant, accurate


Time, Shape, Statistics

Pupils will start off the term continuing with their work on time, which was the focus just before half-term. This is an area of Maths that needs to be recapped every day both at home and in school. We will then move on to geometry, learning about properties of shapes, angles and position. Finally, before the end of the half-term, we will start to look at statistics where children will be interpreting and drawing pictograms, bar charts and representing and collecting their own data.

Children will continue to complete a Number and Lightning, which is taught in addition to their daily Math lesson. Pupils who are already competent in various areas will further embed their understanding through a series of deepening and enriching tasks.

Time tables are still a focus in class, with daily teaching and practice. Pupils should also work on their time's table at home. We are aiming to know the multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 times tables by the end of term!


Addition, subtraction, multiplication, angles, vertex, diagonal, angles, vertical, horizontal, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, pattern, size, pictogram, data, car charts, represent, interpret,


The children will compare how things move on different surfaces, they will learn how some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance. We will look closely at how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others and will group everyday materials accordingly. Children will revisit their plant growth experiment from Summer 1 and investigate whether the number of seeds in one plant pot affects the growth of plants. Finally, to end the term, children we learn about biodiversity (the variety of living things in a habitat) and how we can increase biodiversity in the local area.


Magnet, attract, repel, magnetic, pole, iron, magnetic force, steel, aluminium, material, pressure, biodiversity, endangered, extinct, rewilding, habitat,  


Why is fire used ceremonially?

Lesson overview will be available 31.5.24


Lesson vocabulary will be available 31.5.24

Modern Foreign Languages (French) – A circle of life in French

In French we will be learning about the circle of life. Children will write sentences, sourcing new vocabulary from the dictionary and apply the appropriate indefinite article (un/une) and also identify different word classes within a sentence. They will recognise key vocabulary and structure clues, and use scientific understanding solving a puzzle. They will attempt to decode new sentences using their context and sentence structure.


la - the (for fem. singular nouns), l' - the (for singular nouns beginning with a vowel or an 'h' (usually)), le - the (for masc. singular nouns), qui ? - who?, où est ? - where is?, il/elle habite - he/she/it lives,

Art – Ancient Egyptian Scrolls

This term the children will be focusing on exploring and creating Ancient Egyptian Art. They will apply their styles, patterns and techniques of Ancient Egyptian art through lessons the include designing scrolls, making paper and creating contemporary responses using zines. 


Ancient, audience, civilisation, colour, composition, convey, design, Egyptian, fold, imagery, inform, layout, material, painting, papyrus, pattern, process, scale, scroll, sculpture, shape, technique, zine



This term we are pleased to say that we will continue to learn how to play the Ukulele. We have absolutely loved this so far, and we can already play 4 chords and 6 new songs!


Fret, head, neck, sound hole, body, tuning pegs, string, chord


In Geography, children will be learning about settlements. The children will be learning what a settlement is and looking at villages, towns and cities. They will learn about London and Cardiff.


Settlements, hamlet, farmstead, village, rural, inhabitants, church, village green, post office, small shops, primary school, pub, village hall, secondary school, facilities, railway station, urban settlement, adapt, coastal town, market town, city, university, large hospitals, cathedral, airport, sprawling, urban sprawl, boroughs, Londoners, Tube, Underground, Cycle lanes, conurbation, flats, Cardiff, capital city, Taff, businesses, connect


Our final topics in PSHE is economic wellbeing, where we are looking at different ways of paying for things; explaining that money is needed when paying for items using a cheque, bank transfer or card. Children will have the opportunity to budget money through different scenarios, learning that a range of things might influence our spending choices. Children will recognise that there is a wide range of jobs available and that personal skills and interests affect career choices and understand that stereotypes sometimes exist about the jobs people do.

In our transition lesson, children will reflect on their time in Year 3 and how far they have come as both a class and an individual. We will look at setting targets for the following year and how we can all support each other as we move into Year 4.


Budget, plan, spend, save, expense, needs, qualifications, stereotype, feeling, goal, achievement, change, grow, pride, transition, confidence, self-belief.


Pupils will take part in two PE lessons each week. One lesson will be focused on cricket and the other will be athletics.


Children will build on their skills learned in year 2. They will develop their skills of striking a ball off a tee, move to catch the ball and deliver an underarm throw. They will throw the ball back to a given person to stop someone scoring. They will develop their accuracy when throwing the ball towards a stationary object. And run forwards and backwards and side to side once the ball has been struck. They will follow key rules for the game e.g. carry the bat, pass the ball back to the bowler.


Running - Children will focus on arms and legs to improve sprint technique and be taught to recognise and alter speed depending on distance. They will combine running and jumping with hurdles.  

Throwing - Children will develop their confidence and technique in overarm throw and push throw using a shot put.

Jumping - Children will learn to take off and land on one and two feet and will take off for a standing long jump. Children will learn to maintain height in flight and jump and land safely with bent knees and control.  


Sprint, distance, hurdles, overarm, underarm, shot put, height in flight, compete

Links to learning sites

Key dates:

Summer term begins – 3rd June

Dress down day (donations for the summer fayre) – 7th June

National sports week – 17th – 21st June

Summer Fayre - 26th June

Rand Farm Park – 9th July

Reports issued – 9th July

School disco – 17th July

End of term – 19th July