Summer 2
Here is an overview of what we will be learning this half-term.
Our topic this term is….
‘Mighty Explorers’
We are looking forward to an exciting half-term, with a focus on our History topic of explorers, and how they changed the world!
English – Recount, model text ‘My trip to the friendly forest’
We will be learning the model text 'My trip to the friendly forest' and then using the skills learnt from the model text we will write a recount. We will continue to work on capital letters, finger spaces and full stops whilst also using sentence starters such as First, Next, After that, Finally. We will use an exclamation mark. We will practise using the past tense of verbs when writing e.g. caught, tricked, hit, tipped. We have already learnt how to use interesting verbs and carefully chosen adjectives so children will also be expected to use these too.
Key vocabulary: first, next, after that, finally, capital letter, finger space, full stop, sentence starter, recount, exclamation mark, past tense, adjective, verb
Maths - Fractions, Position and direction, Place value within 100, Money and Time!
In our work on fractions, we will learn about how to find half and quarter of an object, shape and quantity.
In our work on position and direction, we will describe turns, describe position such as forwards, backwards, left, right, above and below. We will learn about ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc).
In our unit on place value within 100, we will count past 50 up to 100, count in 10s to 100, partition numbers into tens and ones, complete number line work up to 100, find 1 more and 1 less, compare numbers with the same number of 'tens' and compare any two numbers.
In our unit on money, we will recognise coins (1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2) , recognise notes (5, 10, 20 and 50) and count in coins (adding coins together below 50).
And for our unit on time, we will learn about before and after, use the days of the week, months of the year, look at hours, minutes and seconds, tell time to the hour and tell time to the half hour.
Key vocabulary: half, quarter, object, shape, quantity, equal, turn, forwards, backwards, left, right, above, below, ordinal, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, last, tens, ones, number line, greater, less, more, fewer, partition, recognise, coin, note, pence, pounds, greater than, less than, equal to, count, before, after, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, hour, minute, second, clock, hands, o clock, half past.
Science – Plants, Planting and Seasonal Changes
In Science, we will learn to name and identify the parts of a flowering plant – roots, stem, leaves and flower (including petals). We will carry out a simple plant dissection to demonstrate our understanding of the different parts. We will think about how we can sort plants into different groups. We will identify and name tree parts – roots, trunk, branches, leaves and fruit. We will learn to identify and name common wildflowers and garden plants. We will explore the types of plants that we can see growing in our local area and count how many we find. We will make scientific drawings of wildflowers and garden plants and label the parts that we can see. We will find out what a deciduous tree is and think about which season leaves fall from trees. We will observe a range of deciduous trees and look at the leaf structure of different trees. We will learn that evergreen trees keep their leaves year-round and explore how their leaf structure differs from deciduous trees. We will explore the types of trees that grow in our local area. We will also observe changes of plants that we have grown during summer and look at the seasonal changes.
Key vocabulary: flowering plant, roots, stem, leaves, flower, petal, where, colour, how many, same, different, group, soil, underground, sort, pattern, trunk, branches, leaves, fruit, underground, upright, flat, outside, seeds, grows, sort, group, wildflower, garden plant, bluebells, buttercups, daisies, dandelions, nettles, sunflowers, roses, spiky, smells, sweet, prickly, stings, chosen, local area, safety, deciduous, fall, autumn, horse chestnut, oak, sycamore, evergreen, holly, pine, needles, season, soil, water, light, sun, grow, change, height, plant, time, observe, change, summer, summer clothes
Computing – Creating imagery- Digital imagery
Using creativity and imagination to plan a miniature adventure story and capturing it using developing photography skills. Children learn to enhance photos using a range of editing tools as well as searching for and adding other images to a project, resulting in a high-quality photo collage showcase.
Key Vocabulary: background, blurred, camera, clear, crop, delete, device, digital camera, drag and drop, edit, editing software, filter, image, import, internet, keyword, online, photograph, resize, save as, screen, search engine, sequence, software, storage space, visual effects
Religion and Worldviews – Why should we care for others?
Children will investigate the importance of taking care of others from different views.
Key Vocabulary: act of kindness, Allah, charity, Christian, creation, donate, fair, God, guidance, Humanist, Jesus, Jewish, Muslim, responsibility, service, Sewa, Sikh, The Five Pillars of Islam, Tzedakah, Waheguru, Zakat
Art and Design: Skills
Developing drawing, design, craft and art appreciation skills; exploring two different printing techniques, using 2D shapes to explore a variety of media, mixing different shades of one colour and discussing the work of artist Louis Wain.
Key Vocabulary: 2D shapes, 3D shapes, abstract, contemporary, drawing mediums, narrative, printing, shade, Tudor style house
Music – Musical Vocabulary (Under the Sea)
We will journey into the unknown and explore under the sea through music, movement, chanting and the playing of tuned percussion instruments.
Key Vocabulary: pulse, dynamics, tempo, timbre, pitch, rhythm, structure, texture, graphic score
History: How have explorers changed the world?
Finding out about events and people beyond living memory, children particularly think about explorers and what makes them significant. They create a timeline and investigate which parts of the world they explored, before comparing explorers and discussing ways in which these significant people could be remembered.
Key Vocabulary: achievement, beyond living memory, coat of arms, determination, discovery, equipment, event, exploration, explorer, historical significance, living memory, North Pole, past, present, qualities, remember, resilience, solo, timeline, transport, voyage, yacht
PE - Athletics
We will practise running and throwing using a variety of equipment (bean bags, quoits, balls).
We will work on using a balanced running technique and run in straight and curved lines whilst changing direction and speed. We will practice throwing underarm and overarm. We will perform a range of jumps for distance (hop, one foot to two feet, two feet to one foot, two to two) and perform all skills to take part in a competitive event.
Key Vocabulary: running, straight, curved, speed, direction, forwards, backwards, right, left, turn, slow, fast, underarm throw, overarm, throw, jump, distance, competition.
PSHE – Citizenship & Economic Wellbeing
We will learn about the importance of rules and the consequences of not following them. We will think about how to care for the needs of babies, young children and animals. We will explore our similarities and differences and have an introduction to democracy.
Key vocabulary: care, democracy, different, fair, pet, responsibility, rule, similar, unique, vote.
Economic well being
Learning about what money is and where it comes from, how to keep cash safe, the function of banks and building societies, spending and saving and some of jobs roles in schools
Vocab: bank, bank account, building society, cash, choice, coins, earn, interest, job, money, money box, notes, pocket money, purse, safe, save, skill, spend, value, wallet
Important dates:
First day back after half term - Monday 3rd June
Father's day - Sunday 16th June
National sports week - 17th June - 23rd June
Last day of summer term - Friday 19th July