Summer 1
Welcome to Summer term 1.
Independent short burst writing will allow children to apply skills they have learned to date and proudly share these.
Children will continue to use Bedrock in school to improve their vocabulary knowledge.
Discussion writing
Model text – Should Jack be jailed? (Pie Corbett). Using the model text, children will develop their writing skills to become effective writers and create their own discussion piece of writing about whether summer holidays should be shortened and should technology be banned? Children will begin the sequence of learning by writing down the importance of wearing a school uniform. They will give reasons for and against their argument.
Reading for Inference
First News
National Geographic Kids
Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference. Pupils will focus in on the skills of breakdown and identifying VIP words. This will support the pupils when they lose the meaning of what they are reading and will help them to identify keywords, those that are important to understanding the meaning of the text. Alongside this, children will work hard on using evidence to support their opinions and facts.
Fluency, key word, important, specific, recover, meaning, relate, relationship, annotate, unpick, understand, evidence, relevant, accurate
Fractions, Money and Time
Children will start the term by continuing to learn about adding and subtracting fractions. They will begin to learn about unit and non-unit fractions of a set amount and learn to reason with fractions of amounts. Learning will then focus on money, which includes various skills such as converting between pounds and pence, adding and subtracting amounts and giving change. Finally, before the end of the half-term, children will start to look at time with a focus on telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and 1 minute and learn to read the time on a digital clock.
Children will continue to complete Number and Lightning weekly to develop their arithmetic skills. Number and Lightning gap tasks will be taught weekly to support this. Children who are competent in various areas will further embed their understanding through a series of deepening and enriching tasks.
Times tables are still a focus in class, with daily teaching and practice. Pupils should also work on their times table at home. A great way to support this is the TT Rockstars app.
Partition, unit fractions, non-unit fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, money, change, pence, pounds, coins, notes, symbol, amount, analogue, digital, o’clock, quarter past, half past, past,
Pupils will be learning about parts of a plant and their functions. They will enhance this learning by dissecting a plant. They will be learning about plant growth and all the things a plant needs in order to grow healthily. Children will look closely at seeds, water transportation, pollination and the life cycle of a plant.
Dissection, leaf, stem, roots, flower, water transportation, seed, seedling, seed coating, germination, flower, petals, stamen, pistil, reproductive organs, pollinator, seed, dispersal, life cycle.
Creating media: Video trailers
Children will plan a book trailer and take photos to tell a story. They will have the opportunity to edit trailers and add text to pictures and videos to tell stories.
Application, camera angle, clip, cross blur, cross fade, cross zoom, desktop, digital device, directional wipe, edit, film software, graphics, device, import, sound effects, time code, trailer, transition, voice over.
Religion and Worldviews
Why is water symbolic?
The information on this lesson will be available in the summer term.
The information on this lesson will be available in the summer term.
Modern Foreign Languages (French)
French transport
Children will learn how to use different strategies to work out the meaning of words. They will learn the French words for different forms of transport in written form. They will join in with songs using actions to aid and recall. They will form simple statements about pictures and build phrases with accurate pronunciation. They will learn to write simple sentences, including forming two different accents.
je vais – I go, je vais en - I am going by, è (accent grave) - grave accent, é (accent aigu) - acute accent, un autobus - a bus, un bateau- a boat, une moto - a motorbike, à pied – on foot, un vélo - a bicycle, une voiture - a car.
This term we will be learning to play the ukuleles by having external tuition from Peterborough Music Hub.
Pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre, notation, pluck, head, neck, body, sound hole, tuning pegs, frets
Design and Technology
Structures – constructing a castle
Children will recognise how multiple shapes, both 2D and 3D, are combined to form a strong and stable structure. They will then design their own castle and construct a castle using 3D nets. Once the children have constructed their castle, they will evaluate their final product.
2D, 3D, castle, design, key features, net, scoring, shape, stable, stiff, strong, structure, tab
Children will learn skills such as passing and receiving the football from one another whilst on the move. They will learn to perform skills under pressure using the surrounding space to attack, change direction and increase their accuracy. Children will learn to tackle each other correctly and learn how to do this safely in a game situation.
Team, control, dribble, pass, accurate, placement, speed, shoot, tackle, defend, score,
Pupils will learn to use coordinates and maps correctly, simple maps and a grid before using the whole space.
Conditional instructions, control point, orienteering, maps, symbols
PSHE – Safety and changing body:
Children will be learning about their role in emergency situations. They will understand how to help someone if they have been stung or bitten. They will understand the importance of staying safe online and the importance of being kind online and what this looks like. They will learn that cyberbullying means being unkind online. They will understand that not all emails are genuine. They will learn about making choices and the influences their decisions make. Finally, they will learn the importance of safety on or near roads.
Allergic, anaphylaxis, bullying, casualty, choice, cyberbullying, decision, distraction, fake, influence, injuries
Links to learning sites
Key dates:
Summer term starts – Monday 15th April 2024
May Day – Monday 6th May 2024
Parent / Carer school event – 14th May 2024 (2.30pm until 3pm)
End of term – Friday 24th May 2024