Spring 2
Our learning in Year 4 will build upon prior knowledge and learning as well as delving into and exploring new topics and skills.
Our focus next term is a meeting tale. This will be based on a text called Poppy, Waldo and the Giant. We will use Talk 4 Writing to learn, unpick and understand the features used within this text type before then planning our own based on our class text.
Many grammatical terms and features will be taught through our English lessons but pupils will also take part in separate grammar lessons. Pupils will recap previous learning before moving on to learning and using new features. This includes apostrophes, subordinate clauses, pronouns and determiners.
Bedrock will continue to be used to improve pupils’ vocabulary knowledge. Pupils will be given opportunities in class to complete lessons but the expectation for pupils to complete at least 2 lessons a week at home still remains.
Guided Reading
Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference as well using their reading skills in other subjects across the curriculum. Pupils will focus in on a range skills and using these in tandem in order to gain a full understanding of a text. There will also be a focus on the use of evidence when giving an opinion and will look at the way authors choose to use certain vocabulary.
Pupils will start off the term looking at fractions. Within this topic, pupils will be looking at a range of areas such as tenths, equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and fractions of amounts. After this, pupils will move onto decimals which has already been introduced through Number and Lightning.
Every week pupils will complete a Number and Lightning and skills for this will be taught in addition to their daily Math’s lesson. Pupils who are already competent in various areas will further embed their understanding.
Times Tables will continue to be a huge focus in class, with daily teaching and practice. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 in order to access all the curriculum. Pupils should also work on their times table at home.
Other Subjects
We will be following Kapow for our Computing this term and we are continuing our topic on coding. Within this topic, pupils will be looking at different variables and using these to create their own codes.
Economic wellbeing will be the focus for this half term – looking at value for money, the importance of keeping track and then looking after their money. In addition to this, pupils will look at how their choices and interests now can impact on their career choices and what happens when we change jobs.
Religion and Worldview:
Our topic within RE is Who was Jesus really? Within this unit we will be looking at who Jesus was and is believed to be. The people and communities that Jesus would have associated with, what people thought of the Romans, what a prophecy is, the significance of miracles and finally, what happened when Jesus died.
Pupils will take part in two PE lessons each week. One lesson will be focused on Dance and the other will be a continuation of our Swimming lessons at Jack Hunt.
Dance - pupils will be focusing on Jazz and will learn a range of iconic dance moves that will link together to form a routine. Pupils will choreograph their own motifs using taught combinations and those that they have created. Continuing on from last half term pupils will learn and use a range of choreographic devices such as cannon and levels to enhance their dance routines.
Swimming – within these sessions pupils will become more confident in the water, aim to swim 25m or to at least achieve further than their own starting points, perform self-rescue and to perform a range of swimming strokes.
In Geography, we will be continuing our topic of Tourism. Within this topic, pupils will look at the different places people visit on holiday and the pros and cons of each one. Pupils will learn about key features of a range of holiday destinations and the different reasons why people choose to travel to different places. In addition to this, we will be looking at how tourism has changed and how it impacts on the environment.
The topic in French this half term is clothing. Pupils will learn a range of new vocabulary which they can use to describe what a person is wearing. This will be combined with the previous topics learning on appearance which will enable the pupils to write a description of a given person.
This term, pupils will be focusing in on electricity. Through applying their scientific understanding of electrical circuits, children create a torch, designing and evaluating their product against set design criteria.
Music will be taught through Kapow and our focus this half term is on changes of pitch, tempo and dynamics. Whilst focusing on rivers as a stimulus, pupils will have the opportunity to sing to a range of tempos and will learn about ostinato. Towards the end of the topic, pupils will improvise to given pieces of music and will then perform their own creations based on the stimulus of a River.
Links to learning sites
Key dates:
Spring term starts back - Monday 26th February 2024
World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2024
British Science Week – W/C Monday 11th March 2024
Consultation evening – Monday 18th March 2024 and Wednesday 20th March 2024
Red Nose Day – Friday 15th March 2024
Red Nose Day Special Menu – Friday 15th March 2024