Spring 2
Non-fiction - Non-chronological report – The Vampire Dragon
We will explore a non-chronological report about dragons and gain a good understanding of them. We will then write a non-chronological report about a different type of dragon or mythical creature, as a class. Finally, we will create a mythical creature to write our own non-chronological report about. Throughout this writing process we will learn how to use the different features of this text type.
Key vocabulary
Model text, title, heading, subheading, non-fiction, non-chronological report, introduction, formal, conjunction, question
We will explore a range of texts linked to our units of learning, by using our Reading for Inference skills. We will also be developing our technique of answering written comprehension questions about a range of texts.
Books we will be reading:
To support Writing:
The Enormous Crocodile
For enjoyment:
Mr Bunny’s chocolate factory
Space Dog
The Way Back Home
Rocket boy
A hundred and one daffodils
Slugs in Space
Kitty and the Skygarden
Monster Rhymes
Key vocabulary
Echo read, paired read, think like a detective, notice breakdown, visualise, background knowledge, VIP words, question, wonder, predict, highlight, evidence, summarise
Maths - Multiplication and division continued; Length and height; Mass, capacity and temperature
We will recognise, make and add equal groups. We will solve multiplication sentences and use arrays to develop our understanding of multiplication. We will also explore doubles, 2 times table, 5 times table and 10 times tables, as well as dividing by 2 5 and 10.
We will measure, compare and order lengths in cm and m. We will then use these skills to solve a range of problems. We will learn how to measure, compare and order mass in grams and kilograms and volume in litres and millilitres. We will also start to explore temperature. We will then apply these skills to answer a range of problem-solving and reasoning questions.
Key vocabulary
Multiply, divide, multiplication, division, array, equal groups, double, inverse, times, lots of, share, bar model, measure, centimetres, metres, length, height, compare, measure, grams, kilograms, volume, capacity, millilitres, litres, degrees
Living things and their habitats
We will explore different habitats, including desert habitats, ocean habitats, woodland habitats and microhabitats. We will then explore the links between habitats, diet and food chains.
Key vocabulary
habitat, desert, ocean, woodland, microhabitat, diet, food chain
History – How did Mankind learn to fly?
We will be learning who Amelia Earhart and the Wright Brothers were, and why they are significant figures in history. We will learn about the first flight and the impact it had, as well as how we learnt to fly. We will also explore why the Moon landing was special.
Key vocabulary
beyond living memory, decade, evidence, eyewitness, flight, historic, historically significant, inventor, living memory, past, present, primary source, source
Design and Technology – Mechanisms: Fairground Wheel
We will be designing and creating our own Ferris wheels, considering how the different components fit together so that the wheels rotate and the structures stand freely. Pupils select appropriate materials and develop their cutting and joining skills.
Key Vocabulary
design brief, design criteria, evaluate, frame, model, opinion, rotate, survey, axle
Religion and World views – What is a prophet?
We will learn about the characteristics prophets had, why some prophets were reluctant to accept their role and what promises God made to some prophets. We will explore these ideas by learning about Muhammad, Jesus and Guru Nanak.
Key vocabulary
chosen, Guru Granth Sahib, Guru Nanak, messenger, Messiah, Qur’an, value
Music – Pitch: Musical Me
We will sing the song ‘Once a Man Fell in a Well’ and play it using tuned percussion. We will add sound effects and experiment with timbre and dynamics. We will use letter notation to write a melody.
Key vocabulary
pitch, melody, timbre, dynamics, notation, tuned
PSHE – Citizenship
We will learn about the rules, responsibilities and expectations of the school environment. We will also look at jobs in the local community that help the community and keep the area pleasant. We will learn to recognise and respect similarities and differences between people in the local community.
Key vocabulary:
election, environment, identity, job, opinion, rule, school council, volunteer, vote
PE – Frisbee; Dance - line dancing
Frisbee – we will work on throwing and catching using a Frisbee. We will learn about the difference between backhand and forehand throwing. We will work on our hand eye coordination to aim at targets.
Dance – we will learn the steps used in simple line dances and have the opportunity to add our own steps and motifs.
Key Vocabulary
backhand, forehand, dance, line dance, pattern, motif, unison, heel, toe, step, grapevine, step turn, counts, weave, scoot, brush, kick, heart rate, jump, run, catch, throw, stretch, warm-up
Helpful websites:
Key dates
24/02/2025 – Teacher Training day – school closed
25/02/2025 – term begins
03/03/2025 – parent consultation evening
04/03/2025 – Pancake day lunch
05/03/2025 – parent consultation evening
06/03/2025 – World Book Day
21/03/2025 – Comic Relief day including Comic Relief lunch
04/04/2025 – terms ends
22/04/2025 – Summer term begins