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Spring 2

Here is an overview of what we will be learning this half-term. 

Our topic this term is….

‘Our Planet’

We will be learning about the four UK countries and to describe locations using basic compass directions. We will investigate how the weather changes in the springtime. The seeds that we planted last half-term will have grown, and we will have opportunities to talk about how they have changed.

English – Recount - “My Trip to the Friendly Forest”

In this unit, we will learn how to structure a recount by setting the scene, describing what happened and adding our personal feelings. We will continue to apply the skills that we learnt in our previous unit – using verbs in the past tense and using time adverbials to order our ideas. We will also focus on writing in the first person and choosing adjectives and verbs carefully.

Key vocabulary: recount, past tense, first person, order, events, beginning, middle, ending, personal feelings, first, next, after that, then, finally, verb, adjective, time adverbial, comment, pronoun, I, me, we, us, title, who, where, when, what.

Maths – Addition and Subtraction (within 20) (continued), Place value (within 50), Length and height, Mass and Volume

In our addition and subtraction work, we will subtract within 20, drawing on our knowledge of number bonds. We will build on the language of subtraction, recognising the subtraction symbol from earlier learning and using it within 20. We will learn about finding the difference and explore it as a form of subtraction. We will look at how addition and subtraction relate to each other, considering the addition and subtraction fact families for numbers within 20.

In our work on length and height, we will compare lengths and heights of objects using language such as “longer than”, “shorter than” and “taller than”. We will begin to measure the lengths and heights of objects, using non-standard units of measure such as cubes or paper clips. We will then measure the lengths and heights of objects using a ruler and a standard unit of measure: centimetres. 

In our work on mass and volume, we will begin by holding objects to compare them, using the language of “heavier” or “lighter”. We will then use balance scales to check our comparisons. We will use a variety of non-standard units, such as cubes or bricks, to measure the mass of an object. We will compare the masses of two objects, still using non-standard units of measure. We will practically explore the idea that capacity is the maximum amount that something can hold and then explore the concept that volume is the amount of something inside a container. We will then further develop our understanding of volume and start to compare volumes using the language of “more than” and “less than”. Finally, we will measure the capacity of different containers using non-standard units of measure.  

In our place value work, we will practice counting forwards and backwards from 20 to 50. We will develop our understanding of multiples of 10 to 50, recapping the equivalence of 10 ones and 1 ten. We will learn how to count more efficiently by grouping into tens and ones. We will develop our understanding of place value for 2-digit numbers as we begin to partition numbers to 50. We will label number lines to 50 first in 1s and then in 10s. We will estimate the position of numbers on number lines to 50. We will find 1 more or 1 less than any number from zero to 50.

Key vocabulary: subtract, part-whole, count back, difference, smaller, fact family, order, undo, base ten, digit, 1-digit number, 2-digit number, group, equal, more, less, total, 1–50, array, whole, parts, partition, number line, value, more, less, start, end, length, height, longer than, shorter than, taller than, same, compare, measure, ruler, centimetres, cm, heavy, light, heavier, lighter, mass, balance scale, heaviest, lightest, unit, capacity, empty, nearly empty, nearly full, full, hold, amount, volume, fills.

Science – Animals (continued)

In Science, we will be learning about different groups of animals such as mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles. We will then use this knowledge to compare and group animals. We will also be learning about herbivores and carnivores.

Key vocabulary: animal, mammal, fur, pet, wild mammal, bird, wings, beak, webbed feet, feathers, flipper, fish, tail, scales, gills, fin, amphibian, frog, toad, newt, reptile, lizard, crocodile, turtle, carnivore, sharp teeth, herbivore, plant, vegetable, fruit, plant, leaf, flower, stem, roots, seed, soil.

Science – Planting (Spring)

We will observe how the seeds that we planted last half-term have grown and changed. We will recap what the parts of a plant are called. We will plant more seeds and compare their growth, making links to seasonal changes.

Key vocabulary: seeds, roots, stem, leaves, flower, soil, water, light, sun, grow, change, height, plant, time, season, spring, winter, longer.

Computing – Programming: Bee-Bots 

We will explore the Bee-Bots by tinkering with their buttons and then completing a cycle of predict, test and review. We will plan and follow precise sets of instructions. We will plan routes for the Bee-Bots to follow and then program the Bee-Bots to follow them. We will create a program to tell a story by programming the Bee-Bots to move to a series of pictures in order, debugging our instructions if necessary. 

Key vocabulary: algorithm, Bee-Bot, code, debug, demonstration, explain, explore, filming, inputting, instructions, precise, predict, program, review, test, tinker, video. 

Religion and Worldviews - Why should we care for others?

We will investigate the importance of caring for others from different viewpoints. We will identify how and why some people care for others by exploring the Sikh belief in Sewa. We will learn why some Muslim people welcome a new baby with the Adhan.

Key vocabulary: act of kindness, creation, dhan, God, gurdwara, Gurmukhi, Langar, man, religion, service, Sewa, Sikh, tan, Waheguru, Adhan, Allah, ceremony, Muslim, welcome.

Art – Drawing – Make your mark

The children will learn how to create different types of lines and explore mark making to draw water. They will produce a drawing that displays observational skills, using the line and marking making skills they have learnt. 

Key vocabulary: 2D shape, 3D shape, abstract, chalk, charcoal, circle, continuous, cross-hatch, diagonal, dots, firmly, form, horizontal, lightly, line, mark making, narrative, observe, optical art, pastel, printing, shade, shadows, straight, texture, vertical, wavy.

Geography -  How does the weather affect us? 

 We will look at the countries and cities that make up the UK. We will keep a daily weather record and find out more about hot and cold places in the UK. 

Key vocabulary: atlas, capital city, climate, compass, continent, country, direction, land, locate, location, map, rain gauge, season, temperature, thermometer, weather, weather vane.

PE - Dance: continuation and movement patterns. 

We will improvise to a piece of music, learning to copy and repeat back patterns. We will be able to link 2 or 3 movements together. We will perform to music with a range of speeds and to an obvious beat within a piece of music. There will be opportunities to perform the skills we have learnt and to watch and describe other people’s performances. 

Key vocabulary: music, pattern, repeat, continue, copy, link, beat, forwards, backwards, sideways, beginning, middle, end, fast, slow.

PE - Health & Fitness: understanding the importance of being healthy. 

We will learn why we warm up and cool down. We will talk about the importance of being healthy and why we drink water. We will show stamina, perseverance and determination within our lessons and ask for help when needed.

Key vocabulary: health, fitness, warm up, cool down, water, hydrate, stamina, time, increase, persevere, determination, help.

PSHE - Safety and the changing body 

The children will learn how to respond to adults in different situations. They will begin to understand the difference between acceptable and unacceptable physical contact. We will develop an understanding of what to do if lost and how to call the emergency services. We will identify dangers at home and how these can be avoided and learn that there are people in the local community who help to keep us safe.

Key vocabulary: accident, drug, emergency, medicine, physical contact, polite, respect, role, trust.

Important dates:

Teacher training day – Monday 24th February 2025

Pancake Day – Tuesday 4th March 2025

World Book Day – Thursday 6th March 2025

Science week - 7th – 16th March 2025

Comic Relief – Friday 14th March 2025

Mother’s day – Sunday 30th March 2025

Last day of term – Friday 4th April 2025