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Spring 2

Spring 2

Please post to Dojo anything your child does at home – we love to see the links they have made to their learning.


Our maths focus for this term will be learning about adding and subtracting fractions, the children will begin to learn about unit and non-unit fractions of a set amount and learn to reason with fractions of amounts.  We will end the term learning about mass and capacity. Children will continue to explore mass in kilograms and grams before moving on to capacity. Children will use and understand scales to read measurements. They will focus on dividing 100 into 2/4/5/10 equal parts using number lines, before applying this skill in various contexts. By working out what the interval gaps are on a number line, children will become more experienced at reading scales in the context of measurement. They learn what size groups are made when 100 is split into equal parts, then extend this learning to other multiples of 100. They will also continue to build their arithmetic skills through Number and Lightning.


Quarter, third, half, whole, equivalent, fraction, part, equal, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml).


Our model text this term is ‘The Garden’ which is a portal story. We will focus on describing the setting and the openings and endings of the story. Children will also discuss the weather to create an effect, e.g. thunder rumbled through the darkness.

Text for enjoyment – Leon and the place between by Angela McAllister and Graham Baker Smith and Krindlekrax by Philip Ridley.


Portal, warning, breath-taking, magnificent, awe-inspiring, glorious, spectacular, eerie, spine-chilling, unnerving, sinister, frightening, creepy

Science – Light:

Science this term will all be focused on light. Children will learn that dark is the absence of light and that they need light in order to see things. They will learn how light is reflected from surfaces and shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by a solid object and light from the sun can be dangerous therefore, we need to protect our eyes.


Light, eyes, light sources, natural, artificial, protect, reflection, shiny, dull, opaque, transparent, shadow, translucent, independent variable (what will change), dependent variable (what will be measured), controlled variables (what is kept the same), conclusion, evaluation.

French - In a French Classroom:

Children will learn how to respond and give simple instructions in French. They will learn and use vocabulary for items commonly found in a school bag which will lead to them writing short descriptions in French and presenting to others what is in their bag.  


un sac (a bag), un stylo (a pen), une règle (a ruler), un cahier (an exercise book), une trousse (a pencil case), j’ai (I have got), je n’ai pas (I haven't got), tu as…? (have you got …?), dans mon sac (in my bag)

History - British history 1: Would you prefer to have lived in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?

Children will use archaeological evidence to investigate the Bronze Age. They will use deductions to explain how bronze transformed prehistoric life. They will learn the importance of trade during the Iron Age and compare settlements in the Neolithic period and Iron Age by exploring continuity and change.


AD (Anno Domini), age, barter, BC (Before Christ), date, evidence, export, historian, import, prehistory, primary source, reconstruction, secondary source, settlement, trade,


Gymnastics (indoor):

Children will be rolling, balancing, stretching and creating sequences. They will use smaller apparatus such as the benches to support their gymnastics sessions.


Roll, balance- points and patches, agility, evaluate, sequence/ combination, transition, linking movements, core strength 

Tennis (outdoor):

This term the children will be learning how to play tennis. They will learn how to hold a tennis racket correctly and then learn to hit the ball and rally the ball to one another. They will gain an understanding of posture in tennis and where to stand and move on a tennis court, reacting to the ball's direction and positioning themselves ready for the shot.


Tennis, racket, grip, swing, rally, forehand, backhand, relay,

Religion and World Views - What happens if we do wrong?

This term the children will be analysing the consequences of wrongdoing by exploring different perspectives and thinking about why confessions might be important after wrongdoing. We will look at how some religious people seek God’s forgiveness after wrongdoing and investigate some beliefs about what happens to the soul after repentance. We will investigate some Christian beliefs about cleansing the soul and explore some Hindu beliefs on how actions can affect the soul.


Cleansed, choice, confession, Confessional, consequences, forgiveness, immoral, infant, intention, karma, mercy, moral, Original sin, priest, Prophet Muhammad, repentance, reunite, sacrament, sin, severe, wrongdoing, ultimate

Design Technology – Cooking and nutrition: Eating seasonally  

Children will learn about seasonal foods and using their understanding to create a seasonal food tarte. 


Appearance, arid, climate, complementary, country, cut, design, evaluate, export, fruit, grate, import, ingredients, Mediterranean, mock-up, mountain, peel, polar, seasonal, seasons, snip, taste, temperate, texture, tropical, vegetable, weather,

Music – Developing Singing Techniques (Theme: The Vikings):

The children will learn to sing with others. They will recognise simple rhythmic notation by ear and by sight. They will use simple rhythmic notation to compose a Viking battle song. The children will perform music with confidence and discipline. 


Accuracy, backing track, beat, body percussion, call and response, composition, co-ordinated, crotchet, discipline, duration, melody, in-time, in-tune, dynamics, layer, lyrics, key change, major key, minim, minor key, notation, tempo, part, pulse, quaver, rehearse, rhythm, rhythmic notation, sound effects, stave, notation, tempo, tension, tune, vocal warm-up

Computing: Computing systems and networks 3: Journey inside a computer

Children will learn to recognise the basic inputs and outputs of the computer. They will learn to identify the components inside a laptop and how to decompose a tablet computer.


Algorithm, assemble, CPU (central processing unit), data, decompose, desktop, disassemble, GPU (graphics processing unit), hard drive, HDD (hard disk drive), infinite loop, input, keyboard, laptop, memory, microphone, monitor, mouse, output, photocopier, program, QR Code, RAM (random access memory), ROM (read only memory), storage, tablet device, technology, touchscreen, touchpad

Links to Learning sites:

Bedrock -

TT Rockstars -

Important diary dates:

25/02/25 - Start of term

03/03/2025 and 05/03/2025 – Consultation evenings

04/03/25 – Pancake Day Lunch

06/03/25 – World Book Day

14/03/25 – Comic Relief Lunch

26/03/25 – Parent/Carer event. 2.30pm until 3pm

04/04/25 – Easter egg raffle

04/04/25 - End of Term