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Spring 1


Our stimulus for narrative writing in Spring 1 will be a fantastic book - 'The Jamie Drake Equation'. We will join Jamie as he sets out to save his astronaut father's mission as he orbits Earth in the International Space Station. We will be writing an explanation text about being an astronaut. Our Grammar learning for the term will be using modals and relative clauses. Learning to edit and handwriting will play a crucial role in this too.

Pupils should continue to use Bedrock at least twice a week at home to support with their vocabulary - it is also our aim to access this resource daily in school.

Vocabulary: verb, modal verb, infinitive, relative clause, subordinate clause, conjunction, relative pronoun, explanation text

Guided Reading - Reading for Inference 

We will use a variety of texts - both fiction and non-fiction texts to enable us to apply our learning to a range of question types, and to make links between different books and our own growing general knowledge. We will continue to use text annotation as a method of exploring a text, and will build on our retrieval and inference reading skills. In order to support your child with both their grammar and reading at home, please use the following links:


We will continue to focus on honing our times table knowledge and recall skills as we continue learning about fractions, then move on to decimals and percentages this term. Times tables and generating new facts from those known will be a focus within the classroom and during our morning task time. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall these facts in order to access the Year 5 curriculum thoroughly. We will be using Number and Lightning as the basis of our knowledge to support our arithmetic skills. Pupils will be taught operations in depth and will be tasked with using these in a variety of different contexts. 

Vocabulary: multiplication, multiply, division, divide, multiples, fraction, numerator, denominator, equivalent, improper, mixed, sequence, integers, decimal, decimal place, decimal point, round, percentage.

Homework will continue to be set from the White Rose Maths Practice Journal. In order to support your child with their times table knowledge at home and with arithmetic in general, please use the following links:

Science – Properties of materials

Our Science exploration in Spring 1 will be around properties of materials. We will learn about properties including magnetism, translucency, hardness, electrical conductivity, and insulating qualities.

Vocabulary:  material, property, quality, transparent, translucent, opaque, magnetism, hardness, conductor circuit, cell, bulb, variable, insulation, insulator, thermometer, temperature, lifespan.

RSE and PSHE: Citizenship

In PSHE, our focus for this term is Citizenship. We will begin to understand what happens when the law is broken. We will also begin to understand how parliament works.

Vocabulary: rule, consequence, law, magistrates court, crown court, police, trial, fair, judge, jury, rights, responsibilities, government, company, businesses, community, society, parliament, monarch, Prime Minister.


Religion and World views

This term our big question is: What happens when we die? We will be interpreting different sources of wisdom and beliefs about what happens when we die, making links between beliefs around a soul and eternal life.

Vocabulary: atonement, cremate, eternal, judgement, mourning, reconciliation, solemn, soul

Computing: Programming 1: Music

The children will use Scratch programming skills, including testing and change ideas, writing commands and adding loops to create sounds and melodies.

Vocabulary: bug, code debug, decompose, loop, music, output, pitch, program, repeat, rhythm, Scratch, soundtrack, tempo, timbre, tinker

Music - Composition notation

The children will learn to sing with accuracy, fluency, control, and expression. They will explore and use different forms of notation. They will learn about note length. They will read simple pitch notation to perform a composition.

Vocabulary: melody, improvising, notation, motif, call and response, unison, verse, structure, major, minor, tempo, ensemble


Indoor PE: Table Tennis

We will build on previous learning by working on key skills including being able to pass and rally the ball with precision, using a successful forehand and backhand push interchangeably, and being able to serve effectively within a game situation.

Vocabulary: alternate, forehand, backhand, push, rally, serve, smash  

Outdoor PE: Touch Rugby

We will learn the rules and skills of Touch Rugby through mini activities and game situations. These skills will include agility when running with the ball, evading defenders, defending, passing, catching and positional sense.  

Vocabulary: position, touch, rugby, agility, ball, evade, defend, position, catch, pass

Art: Painting and Mixed Media Portrait

 We will create a poem portrait, investigating how a drawing can be developed by using mixed materials (‘mixed media’). We will identify the features of self-portrait, developing ideas by experimenting with materials and techniques. Finally, we will create a mixed-media self-portrait.

Vocabulary: art medium, atmosphere, background, collage, composition, continuous line drawing, evaluate, justify, mixed media, multimedia, portrait, represent, self-portrait, texture, transfer

Important dates for this term: 

Term begins - 7.1.25 

National Space Centre class trip - 21.1.25  

Year 5 Table Tennis event - 4.2.25

Valentine’s disco - 13.2.25

Term ends: 14.2.25