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Autumn 2

English - Recount

This half term the children will be writing a recount based on Pie Corbett’s recount ‘Curious Creature Captured’. The children will begin this term writing a recount of their morning routine using the time connectives first, then, next, after that and finally.

Children will then be encouraged to write their own recount based on their previous learning of Jack and the Beanstalk with a focus on when Jack sold his cow. 

Our text for enjoyment this term will be ‘The Pea and the Princess’ by Mini Grey 

Vocabulary – first, after, meanwhile, next, later, to begin with, soon, finally, before, subsequently, during, then

Maths - Multiplication and division 

Children will be multiplying in their 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s and 10s. They will be sharing, grouping and using arrays to support this. We will be encouraging the children to access TTRockstars to support their learning too.

Vocabulary – multiplication, sharing, grouping, arrays

Science - Food waste and Rocks 

Children will continue to understand the importance of a balanced diet and they will compare diets of animals and humans. They will be learning about food waste and how it can be reduced. Children will start to learn about rocks and using the enquiry question “How can we identify and sort rocks based on their physical properties?” Children will be identifying, grouping and classifying rocks based on their simple properties. 

Vocabulary – food waste, landfill, recycling, edible, inedible, granite, pumice, sandstone, chalk, marble, gneiss, crystals, grains, layers, textures

Computing - Programming: Scratch 

Children will be exploring the programme ‘scratch’. Over the term the children will be storytelling, using the programme, using repetition (a loop) and animation. Lastly, they will programme a game explaining the action and algorithm behind it. 

Vocabulary – algorithm, animation, application, code, code block, debug, decompose, game, interface, loop, predict, program, remixing code, repetition code, review, scratch, sprite, tinker

Religion and Worldviews - Where do our morals come from?

Children will learn what morals are and how people learn between right and wrong.  Children will evaluate the importance of religious guidance to some Christians and Jewish people and will explore how people remember moral guidance and how they apply it to daily life. Children will analyse religious and non-religious guidance and be given the opportunity to express and justify their own opinions about their personal moral code. 

Vocabulary – Buddha, covenant, guidance, moral, reasoning, ten commandments

Modern Foreign Language - French adjectives of colour, size and shape 

Children will show understanding by correctly identifying a described shape, drawing it in the air or pointing on the board. They will describe some shapes in their work using language of colour, size or shape. They will recognise cognates (a cognate is a word that is the same in both French and English). Children will learn to use please and thank you in French and listen carefully to instructions. They will listen and then select the correct decoration according to its colour. They will use software to produce artwork in the style of Matisse.

Vocabulary – rouge, bleu, jaune, vert, orange, un cercle, un triangle, un carré, un rectangle, grand, petit, c'est

Art - Prehistoric Art (Art) 

Children will be introduced to cave art and reflect upon the purpose of drawings before working on developing their sense of proportion in drawing. Children will draw charcoal pictures to create tones and textures. Children will then experiment with colours and create their own paint using spices and objects found on a nature walk.  Children will apply their painting skills to re-create a prehistoric animal picture. Finally, children will work on a collaborative class piece of prehistoric inspired art, creating hand prints on a textured background.

Vocabulary – charcoal, composition, negative image, pigment, positive image, prehistoric, proportion, scaled up, sketch, smudging, texture, tone

Music - Creating compositions in response to an animation (Theme: Mountains) 

Children will verbalise how music makes them feel. They will create actions or movements appropriate to different pieces of music. They will create a range of sounds and compose and notate a short melody to accompany a story. 

Vocabulary – atmosphere, compose, composition, dynamics, ensemble, influence, in-time, layers, letter notation, listen, timbre, melody, melodic pattern, notation, opinion, pitch, repeated rhythm, represent, sound effect, soundscape, story, tempo, tuned percussion, untuned percussion

Geography - Mountains 

Children will learn what mountains are, as well as the mountain ranges in the United Kingdom. They will think about why people live on mountains and what it is like to live in a mountainous region. 

Vocabulary – hill, mountain, Ben Nevis, mountainous regions, mountain range, Himalayas, Mount Everest, peak, slopes, terraces, summit, Alps, adapted, Andes, terraced, farming, mountain pass, Cairngorms, Highlands, trek, valleys, Lake District, Pennines, Yorkshire Dales, Brecon Beacons, Snowdonia, above, sea level, temperature

Physical Education


Hockey (outdoors) – We will be focusing on how to use a hockey stick and ball, learning skills such as control of the ball and correct technique, as well as basic passing, attack and defense skills

Vocabulary - hockey stick, puck, dribble, flick, obstruction, centre pass, clearing, cross, tackle, shooting, attacking, defending, ball control, push puck


Dance (indoors) – we will be creating movements and linking these together to perform a dance at a SOKE competition. 

Vocabulary - partner, copy (mirror), follow, unison, canon, repetition

PSHE - Health and Wellbeing  

This term we will be focusing on ‘Health and Wellbeing’ by looking at the understanding of a healthy lifestyle, dental health and ways we can plan a healthy lifestyle through food and exercise. We will be learning a range of relaxation exercises and the positive impacts these have on our bodies. We will be looking at our own identities and personal strengths and writing Kenning style poems based on ourselves. We will be building our resilience by identifying problems and breaking them into smaller goals to overcome them. 

Vocabulary – alone, balance, barriers, belonging, identity, lonely, resilience

Key Dates

Anti-Bullying day – 12th November

Children in Need – 15th November

Consultation Evenings – 25th and 27th November

Year 3 dance festival – 4th December

School Disco – 12th December

Christmas Jumper Day – 12th December

End of Autumn term – 20th December