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Autumn 2

Hello and welcome.

Here is a helpful guide to what we will be learning this half-term. 

Our topic this term is….


We will be focusing on the season of Winter. Children will practise their Christmas performance and learn about the Christmas story through this and learn and perform songs in Music. We will also learn about many other things!

English – Instruction writing

The model text that we will learn is called ‘How to spin straw into Gold’. We will practice verbally retelling  these instructions and have opportunities to act it out to deepen our understanding of the events and key vocabulary in it. We will then write our own version of instructions such as 'How to play duck duck goose' 'How to make a hand puppet'.

Key vocabulary: instruct, instructions, steps, ingredients/what you will need, title, first, next, after that, finally, bossy verbs.

Math - Add and subtract within 10

We will learn and consolidate number bonds to 10, add numbers within 10, learn parts and whole, subtract parts, work on fact families, practising taking away (subtracting), use a number line to subtract and add or subtract 1 or 2.

Key vocabulary: add, subtract, take away, minus, number line, fact families, part, whole.

Science - Materials 

We will be learning all about 'Materials'. Children will explore materials such as wood, plastic, glass, metal and rock. We will investigate their properties - melt/freeze/float/sink/absorb water. 

Key vocabulary: material, soft, hard, shiny, dull, wood, plastic, glass, metal, rock, heavy, light, rough, smooth, object, material, melt, freeze, solid, liquid, melt, freeze. ice, float, sink, absorb, transparent, opaque

Science – Seasonal changes - Autumn

We will also learn about the changes in Winter and collect and record data of the amount of rainfall within this season.

Key vocabulary: season, Winter, daylight, night, weather, rainfall, rain gauge

Computing - Computing systems and networks - improving mouse skills

Children will learn how to log in and navigate around a computer, develop mouse skills, learn how to drag, drop, click and control a cursor to create works of art inspired by Kandinsky and self-portraits.

Key vocabulary: log in, log out/off, mouse pointer, keyboard, password, software, ctrl, right click, layers, drag, digital photograph, login, mouse, click, screen, account, duplicate, tools, menu, username, drag and drop, undo, cursor

Computing - Internet Safety

We will discuss what the internet is and how it can be used, recognise the internet may affect mood or emotions and internet use can affect and upset others. Finally we will identify which information is appropriate to share and post online and which is not. 

Key vocabulary: app, appropriate, device, digital footprint, feelings, going online, in-person interactions, internet, kindness, offline activity, online activity, online experience, online interactions, online safety, personal information, pop-up, posting online, report

Religion and Worldview - What do some people believe God looks like?

To express ideas about God, explain how some Muslim people use art to express their ideas about God, recognise some different forms of God in the Hindu worldview, recognise some Christian people believe Jesus is the son of God and God on Earth, discuss different ways to refer and represent God, recall some of the different names people use for God. 

Key vocabulary: Allah, belief, believe, Brahman, Christian, Christian Bible, Christmas, God, Hindu, idea, Jesus, Muslim, Religion, Respect, Worldview

Art - Painting and mixed media - Colour splash

We will learn about primary and secondary colours, colour mix these colours and apply the skills to painting and printing creating a painted plate in the style of an artist. 

Key vocabulary: blend, hue, kaleidoscope, pattern, mix, primary colour, print, secondary colour, shade, shape, space, texture, thick

History - How am I making history?

Looking at personal chronology and finding out about the past within living memory. By examining photographs and asking questions, children investigate chronology. Beginning to look at a simple timeline extending back to before they were born. 

Write about a personal memory from a photograph from home.  

Key vocabulary: artefact, decade, evidence, living memory, modern, century, different, historian, memory, now, past, present, remember, sequence, similar, source, special

Outdoor PE: Team games

Children will be introduced to team games where they will pass and receive, move into space, change speed, follow basic rules and develop team work. 

Key vocabulary: rules, team, teamwork, pass, receive, space

Indoor PE: Multi-skills

We will focus on the skills of throwing, catching, jumping and running. Children will learn how to move in a forwards, backwards and curved pathway whilst moving in a variety of ways such as hopping, crawling, galloping. We will balance with control on more than one body part simultaneously, throw objects underarm, kick a ball towards a target and catch a ball whilst stationary.

Key vocabulary: throw, run, catch, jump, pathway, forwards, backwards, hop, crawl, gallop, side step, control, balance, underarm, target, stationary

PSHE - Family and relationships

We will explore how families can be different, learn about the characteristics and impact of positive friendships. We will discuss and learn that issues can be overcome, people show feelings differently and that stereotyping is unfair.

Key vocabulary: behaviour, care, emotions, family, feelings, friend, friendly, problem, stereotype

Important dates:

Term begins – Monday 4th November 2024

Children in Need - 15th November 2024

Christmas Jumper Day - 12th December 2024

Term ends - Friday 20th December 2024.