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Autumn 1


Our stimulus for writing in Autumn 1 will be 'The Canal’- a warning tale full of action. To support our understanding, we will be reading ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’, the Children’s Book Award-winning novel by Michael Morpurgo. Set on a desert-island, it is an adventure about friendship, trust and humanity.

Our Grammar focus for the term will be to develop our understanding and range of narrative tenses, as well as increasing our range of vocabulary to describe character. We will also focus on writing dialogue. Learning to edit and attention to neat, cursive handwriting will play a crucial role in this too.

Pupils should continue to use Bedrock at home to support with their vocabulary - it is also our aim to access this resource daily in school.

Vocabulary: narrative, character, setting, atmosphere, action, dialogue, word class, noun phrase, noun, adjective, verb, modal verb, adverb, adverbial, preposition, conjunction, co-ordinating clause, co-ordinating conjunction, subordinate clause, subordinating conjunction, causal conjunction, inverted commas

Guided Reading - Reading for Inference

We will use a variety of texts - both fiction and non-fiction - about to enable us to apply our learning to a range of question types, and to make links between different books and our own growing general knowledge. We will use text annotation as a method of exploring a text, and will build on our retrieval and inference reading skills. In order to support your child with both their grammar and reading at home, please use the following links:


This term, we will start our Maths journey with Place Value. We will also further our Maths fluency by working closely on our Addition and Subtraction, and Multiplication and Division skills. Times tables and generating new facts from those known will be a focus within our morning task time. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall these facts in order to access the Year 5 curriculum thoroughly. We will be using Number and Lightning as the basis of our knowledge to support our arithmetic skills. Pupils will be taught operations in depth, and will be tasked with using these in a variety of different contexts. 

Vocabulary: number, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, digit, numeral, column

In order to support your child with their times table knowledge at home and with arithmetic in general, please use the following links:

Science: Forces

Our Science learning in Autumn 1 will focus on the forces of gravity, friction, air resistance, and water resistance. We will plan, investigate and evaluate experiments on these forces. We will also use learn about using smaller forces for greater effects.

Vocabulary: force, contact force, friction, motion, air resistance, drag, parachute, streamline, independent variable, dependent variable, controlled variable, repeatability, precision, surface area, anomalous result, gravity, weight, contact force, non-contact force, lever, gear, pulley, machine

History: Anglo Saxon Britain

The children will learn where the Anglo-Saxons originated from and when they lived in Britain. They will also learn why they chose to make Britain their home. They will learn about artefacts that show us more about Anglo-Saxon life, including the Sutton Hoo burial site. We will complete local history research about Hereward the Wake.

Vocabulary: Picts, Scots, pillaged, Saxons, Germanic, Jutes, Angles, North Sea, pleas, Anglo-Saxons, battle-axe, throwing axe, Frankish, axe head, Britons, legends, overcome, migrating, migrate, chief, garnet, Sri Lanka, grave, goods, conclude, amber, buckle, artefacts, high-born, nobleman, noblewomen, high-status, glassware, settle their differences, compensation, status, ranks, widowed, Augustine, overlord, Canterbury, monasteries, monks, scholarship, Bede Hilda, missionary, missionaries, Columba, Easter, Synod of Whitby, Cynethryth, authority, Charters Offa, worn on security, barrier, Offa’s Dyke, abbey abbess, trowel, unearthing, self-taught, earthen mounds, rivet, meandering, silverware, helmet, decomposed

Religion and Worldviews: Standing up for our beliefs

In our Religion and Worldviews learning this term, we focus on the Big Question: Why do people have to stand up for what they believe in? Looking at belief from both religious and non-religious viewpoints, we will learn how people in our communities, countries and the world at large have different beliefs. We will learn what freedom looks like.  We will also discover how beliefs have been challenged in the past. We will discuss how we can stand up for our beliefs, and how light can be used to represent this stance.

Vocabulary: religion, worldview, agnostic, atheist, theist, denomination, oppression, persecution, discrimination, religious freedom, divine authority, emperor, guru, martyr, ordained, religious stereotype

PE – Outdoor Adventurous Activities & Dance

Outdoor Adventurous Activities: We will be working collaboratively to navigate adventurous activities. We will learn how to be safe, and how our body reacts to exercise and its benefits. We will learn to orientate with confidence around a course and design our own for others to enjoy.

Dance – Disco: We will learn a sequence of disco dance steps as part of a routine we will perform in groups. We will use these steps to choreograph a longer routine for a solo, duet or group. We will work on our musicality in time to disco music beat.

Vocabulary: orientation, team building, co-ordination, agility, stamina, health, fitness, dance, sequence, disco, choreograph, routine, solo, duet, group, beat

RSE and PSHE: Families and Relationships

In PSHE, we will be thinking about families and relationships, developing an understanding of families, including marriage and what to do if someone in our family feels unsafe. We will also learn about friendship, as well as exploring the impact of bullying and what influences a bully’s behaviour. We will learn about appreciating our individual positive attributes.

Vocabulary: friend, friendship, ups and downs, solution, strengthened, wedding, marriage, choice, religion, legal, lifelong, attributes, proud, skills, self-respect, family, help, support, bullying, bystander, cyberbullying, victim, unkind, gender, stereotype, equality, race, religion, discrimination, racism.

Art and Design - Formal elements of art: architecture

The children will learn how to draw from observation, create a print and draw from different perspectives. They will learn about the role of an architect and are challenged to consider why houses look the way they do and if there is scope to change and improve them.

Vocabulary: abstract, amphitheatre, ancient, architects, composition, cryptic, legacy, mono print, ornate, pattern, plaque, representation, shading, sketch, stadium, symbolism, temple

Music: Blues

In Music, our focus is on 'Blues', learning about its history, musical composition using chords and 12- bar blues.

Vocabulary: Blues, chord, bar, 12-bar Blues, scale, beat, notes, ascending, descending, improvisation.

French: Portraits

We will be learning to describe people and their personalities, working towards writing a portrait of our friends in French. We will discover that in French, adjectives need to agree with the noun.

Vocabulary: il a, ella a, il est, elle est, les cheveux, les yeux, qui? (who?), un tableau, une statue, blonds, noir, marron, petit/petite, grand/grande, fort/forte, sportif/sportive


Key dates:

5.9.24 – Term starts

25.10.24 – Term ends