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Summer 2 2024

Summer 2 – Theme parks

English: Writing

During our writing this term, we will continue to develop key writing skills and use these when planning and writing different text types. We will be writing a narrative linked to the picture book, ‘Tuseday’, as well as a discursive text using formal language linked to our Theme Park topic. Alongside these lessons, pupils will take part in regular grammar and spelling lessons in order to build up their confidence with different levels of formality and develop topic related word banks. 

To support this at home, try these following links:

Vocabulary: Noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, determiner, full stop, comma, colon, hyphen, apostrophe, sentence opener, sentence structure, embedded clause, conjunction, relative clause, passive voice, active voice, similes, metaphors, debate, point of view, formal language

Guided Reading/Reading for Inference

Within our guided reading and Reading for Inference sessions, we will continue to practise each Reading for Inference skill that we learnt last year across a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. As a class, we will explore a text called ‘The Show Must Go On’, which is a journal entry about running a fairground.  

To support with their reading at home, pupils should access Bedrock and Read Theory.

Vocabulary: Visualise, Background knowledge, Breakdown, VIP words, GIST, Thinking like a detective, inference, retrieval, language, author


In Maths this term, we will be working on investigational problems with a theme park theme. We will also use a range of Maths skills that we have developed this year to solve ‘real life’ problems. Within in this we will explore how to work systematically, the different approaches to problem solving such as drawing pictures and diagrams, making tables, using the inverse and trial and improvement.

In addition to this, the children will continue to take part in regular Number and Lightning learning to develop our speed and accuracy in arithmetic.

In order to support with this at home, please use the following links: 

Vocabulary: investigate, investigation, working systematically, problem, probability tree, pattern, predict, trial and improvement

Science – Electricity

We will learn how to associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit. We will also compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches. We will be learning about which symbols are used when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.

Vocabulary: Electricity, diagram, voltage, cells, diagram, circuit, symbol, bulb, brightness, crocodile clip, battery, component

Other Curriculum Areas

Computing - Video trailers

We will be planning, recording and editing a video trailer linked to our theme park topic. We will learn about camera angles, editing software, adding sound and text to videos and video transitions.

Vocabulary: Application, Camera angle, Clip, Cross blur, Cross fade, Cross zoom, Desktop, Digital device, Dip to black, Directional wipe, Edit, Film, Film editing software, Graphics, Import, Key events, Laptop, Music, Photo, Plan, Recording, Sound effects, Storyboard, Time code, Trailer, Transition, Video, Voiceover


Art and Design - Logos

We will research different logos before sketching, drawing and painting our own. We will also explore the work of Paul Rand.

Vocabulary: sketch, draw, shade, paint, mix, logo, company, Paul Rand

DT – Designing and building theme park rides or booths

We will be designing, building and evaluating theme park rides or booths.

Key vocabulary: series circuit, parallel circuit, names of switches and components, input device, output device, system, monitor, control, program, flowchart function, innovative, design specification, design brief, user, purpose

Music – Composing a leavers song

We will be exploring and identifying the characteristics of film music, before creating a composition and graphic score to perform alongside a film.

Vocabulary: allegro, arrangement, backing track, chorus, chord progression, compose, crescendo, diminuendo, dynamics, evaluate, forte, largo, lyrics, melody, mood, musical features, notation, piano, poetic, structure, repetitive, rhyme, ritardando, tempo, sequence, stave notation, upbeat, verse

PSHE – Transition and RSE

During our RSE lessons, the children will learn about the menstrual cycle and that a male and a female are needed to conceive a baby. In addition to this, they will explore how a baby changes in the womb and some of the baby’s requirements during the first months of life. Further information on this unit was communicated through a letter to parents/carers in the Summer 1 term.

Over the course of the half-term, the children learn that the change to secondary school can seem like a big one and that they are likely to have mixed feelings about it. We will explore these feelings and undertake work to make this transition as smooth as possible.

Kapow Religion and Worldviews Y6What place does religion have in our world today?

Further information on this Unit will follow after the curriculum content has been released on 31st May 2024.

History – The Mayans

 We will learn about the Mayas and where they feature in world history including major figures, cities and beliefs. We will also learn about trade, religious beliefs and the importance of chocolate, before exploring what happened to the Mayan civilisation.

Vocabulary: hard bloodletting acceding accession aligned potent hallucinating conjuring hallucination founder, Maya Precise jaguar Mayan texts Mesoamerica, temple -pyramid flagstones adorned Pakal turmoil plaza stelae, roasted froth delicacy godliest maize versatile mural fashioned, primordial shaman Long Count solar calendar obsidian, Chichén Itzá abandoned collapse 

PE – Cricket, Athletics and free choice.

In Cricket, we will be learning and developing a range of skills associated with striking, bowling and fielding, before applying these skills to competitive situations. In athletics the children will develop their skills across a broad range of track and field events which will include the discuss, javeline and hammer.

During our additional PE sessions accumulated from Sats revision and poor weather, we will take part in PE lessons that will be chosen by the children that enable them to practice what they have learnt this year in tournament situations.

Vocabulary:,Cricket, field, bat, wicket, out, run, bowl, barrier,   

Key dates:

Term begins: 03/06/24

Photos: 06/06/24

Dress Down Day: 07/06/24

National Sports Week: 17/06/24 – 21/06/24

Summer Fayre: 26/06/24

End of Year disco: 17/07/24

Leavers’ Assembly 19/07/24

End of term: 19/07/24