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Spring 1

Our learning in Year 4 will build upon prior knowledge and learning as well as delving into and exploring new topics and skills.


This term, pupils will be focusing on information texts. We will be using a model text called The Truth about Mountain Ogres. We will look at its structure and the features used in order to share information with the reader. Pupils will then look in depth at the vocabulary and practice using a range of sentence openers that allow them to add more information to the text. Pupils will end the term by writing their very own information text.


Many grammatical terms and features will be taught through our English lessons but pupils will also take part in separate grammar lessons. Pupils will start by recapping basic punctuation before moving onto apostrophes and subordinate clauses. We will also use these grammar lessons to recap our previous terms learning which was focused on fronted adverbials and word classes.

Grammar and Lightning will be completed once a week. This enables pupils to practice and recap all of the required grammatical terms for Year 4.


Bedrock will continue to be used to improve pupils’ vocabulary knowledge. Pupils will be given opportunities in class to complete these sessions but the expectation for pupils to complete at least 2 lessons a week at home still remains.


omission   fronted adverbials    determiners    nouns   adjectives    inverted commas   apostrophes    pronouns     possession     subordinate     conjunctions    FANBOYS   contractions 

Guided Reading

Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference which was introduced last year and continued last half term. Pupils will focus on inference and visualisation, both of which will support the pupils’ ability to unpick and relate to a text. This approach enables the pupils to gain a deeper understanding of what they are reading and helps pupils to learn strategies to support them in becoming good and confident readers. In addition to this, our focus will be on retrieval and ensuring that the evidence used from the text is accurate and specific to the question.


fluency    infer     relate     specific     accurate   relevant   evidence      point     explanation     argument    retrieval  


Initially, pupils will focus on multiplication and division. The first focus is on multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. Pupils will then move on to using the formal methods of short and long multiplication. Within division, we will look not only at the division facts related to our times tables but also at how we can split numbers in order to divide more easily. We looked into this at the end of last half term, so again it will be about embedding this learning and using it to reason and problem solve.  

Once pupils have become confident with multiplication and division, we will move on to length and perimeter.

Every week pupils will complete a Number and Lightning and skills for this will be taught in addition to their daily Math’s lesson. Pupils who are already competent in various areas will further embed their understanding through a range of reasoning and problem solving activities.

Times Tables will be a huge focus in class as we prepare for the multiplication check in May. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 in order to access all of the curriculum. Pupils should also work on their times table at home.

Multiplication      division     share      divide     multiply    split    remainder     length    unit      perimeter     area     polygon

Other Subjects

Science this term will all be focused on sound. Pupils will learn how sounds are created and how we hear them. Pupils will look at how sound waves vary depending on the pitch of the sound being produced.


Pitch    waves    frequency   vibration   particles    source    travel    dissipate    volume   sound  


We will be following Kapow for our Computing this term and will be focusing on programming and using Scratch. Within this topic, pupils will be looking at different variables and using these to create their own codes.


Code      variables    code block   conditioning   direction    icon   project    stage   variable    tinker    orientation    programmer     feature    decompose


During this half term we will be continuing our focus on Health and Wellbeing. WE will look at emotions and how we can cope with these as well as focusing in on the things that make us happy.


Emotions      negative emotions    positive emotions    feelings    physical health      mental health    anger    frustration     anxious    grateful     jealous    sad     tired     hungry

Religion and World Views.

Our topic within RE is Just How Important are our Beliefs? Within these lessons we will be looking at the different ceremonies that take place as part of Christianity and the role that key people play within these. In addition to this, we will look at the clothing that is worn in different religions and the reasons for this, the traditions that are followed and also the reasons behind fasting and specific diets.


Amritdhari        Aqiqah         baptism       Bar Mitzvah       Bat Mitzva           Brit Bat         Brit Milah            Comfirmation         fast        Khalsa     Namakarana          naming ceremony      persecuted        sacrifice     Upanayana


This half term, pupils will focus on Dance and Swimming.

Dance - pupils will be focusing on the Hand Jive and will learn a range of iconic dance moves that will link together to form a routine. Pupils will choreograph their own motifs using taught combinations and those that they have created. Continuing on from last half term pupils will learn and use a range of choreographic devices such as cannon to enhance their dance routines.


Dance    choreograph    beat    transition      rhythm    performance    rehearse     static    dynamic   counting    evaluate    improve   adapt    levels     speed    patterns    links    canon    gestures   sharp   smooth continuous    rigid   dynamics   cannon   choreography   motif

Swimming – within these sessions pupils will become more confident in the water, aim to swim 25m or to at least achieve further than their own starting points, perform self-rescue and to perform a range of swimming strokes. 


Swimming     front crawl     breast stroke     butterfly     backstroke     sculling     treading water     afloat      rescue      confidence     underwater     stroke     streamline  


In Geography, we will be looking at Tourism. Within this topic, pupils will look at the different places people visit on holiday and the pros and cons of each one. Pupils will learn about key features of a range of holiday destinations and the different reasons why people choose to travel to different places.


Tourism    seaside   peer   amusements   promenade   paddle   deckchair   hut    hotel    guest house   caravan   skis   mountain   minimum    maximum    ski-slope    ski-lift    environment     airport    destination     mainland    travel agency    package holidays    agency    apartment    air pollution    services     economy    sustainability    ecotourism


The topic in French this half term is portraits. Within this, pupils will learn how to describe other people in terms of both their looks and personality. Pupils will also gain an understanding of gender in French and how this can affect the spelling and pronunciation of words.  


Il/ elle     les cheveux    les yeux   petit/petitie    blond    brun    sportif  bleu   rouge    orange    marron   noir    verte      jaune   


Music will be taught through a programme called Kapow and our first topic is body and tuned percussion. We will look at the structure of music and will focus on the pitch, tempo and dynamics within a song. As we develop an understanding of the key vocabulary, we will explore the sounds that we can make both with our body and a range of instruments.


Tempo    structure    dynamics   pitch   texture    percussion   tuned    un-tuned   composition   rhythm    melody    loops    layers


Within Art we will be looking at formal elements of Art. Within this, pupils will look in depth at patterns and texture as well as creating their own geometric pattern using handmade stamps.


Pattern      texture      stamp     geometric     symmetric    motif    artist     technique    2D shapes      abstract      reflection    compass   

Key Dates:

Monday 8th January – Pupils back to school for Spring term

Thursday 11th January – Swimming

Friday 12th January – Kindness Workshop (virtual)

Wednesday 17th January – Live Tales Workshop (Virtual)

Thursday 18th January – Swimming

Thursday 25th January – Swimming

Thursday 1st February – Swimming

Tuesday 13th February – Parent / Carer Engagement Event

Thursday 15th February – Swimming

Friday 16th February – Last day of term.