Autumn 2
Autumn 2
We will be studying WWII this half-term. We will learn about this through our literacy and history lessons in addition to our class book, ‘Rose Blanche.’ Rose Blanche tells the story of a young German girl during WWII and will be used to support learning. For each aspect of our learning, we will delve deep and create real experiences for the children to gain an insight into what life was like during this period in time.
Vocabulary: war, bomb, army, Neville Chamberlain, Blitz, radio, Spitfire, barrage balloon, gas mask box, evacuee, Winston Churchill, Air raid shelter, ration book, Anderson shelter, Holocaust, Hitler, Nazis, Jews, Concentration camps, persecution,
English: Writing
During our writing this term we will continue to develop key writing skills and use these when planning and writing different text types. First of all, we will be exploring non-narrative writing through explaining the events of The Holocaust, before writing a descriptive piece of poetry connected to The Blitz.
Alongside these lessons, Pupils will take part in regular Grammar and spelling lessons in order to build up their confidence and word banks – our grammar focus for each week is below.
- Active and Passive Voice 2. Modal Verbs 3. Adverbs 4. Parenthesis and Relative Clauses 5. Expanded Noun Phrases 6. Commas 7. Verb Tenses
To support this Literacy at home, try these following links:
Vocabulary: Noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, determiner, full stop, comma, colon, hyphen, apostrophe, sentence opener, sentence structure, embedded clause, conjunction, active, passive
Guided Reading/Reading for Inference
Within our guided reading and Reading for Inference sessions, we will continue to practise each Reading for Inference skill that we learnt last year across a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. We will also explore a range of comprehension techniques such as retrieval, figurative language and author’s choices.
To support with their reading at home, pupils should access Bedrock.
Vocabulary: Visualise, Background knowledge, Breakdown, VIP words, GIST, Thinking like a detective, inference, retrieval, language, author
We will be revisiting some fractions knowledge before learning how to simplify fractions, compare and order fractions, add and subtract fractions, multiplying fractions, divide fractions and find the fraction of a number.
Towards the end of the term, we will be focusing on Geometry. In Geometry, we will be learning about position and direction. We will be learning about quadrants, translations and reflections.
We will also be developing our reasoning and problem solving skills. We will be using White Rose Hub to explore a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract concepts within our learning.
In addition to this, the children will continue to take part in weekly Number and Lightning learning to develop our speed and accuracy in arithmetic.
In order to support with this at home, please use the following links:
Vocabulary: equivalent fraction, simplify, improper, denominator, numerator, integer, whole, x axis, y axis, grid, translate, quadrant, reflection, coordinate
Science: Light
As part of our science topic, we will be exploring light. We will learn how light travels and how we can see objects because of this. We will also use this knowledge to explore why shadows have the same shape as the object that casts them. We will also look at how we can independently plan and carry out an investigation that is linked to Light.
Vocabulary: light, light ray, light source, reflect, reflection, object, shadow, mirrors, rainbow, filters
Other Curriculum Areas
Computing – Programming: Intro to python
As part of this Computing topic, we will be learning that websites can be altered by exploring the code beneath the site. We will be designing, writing and debugging programs that accomplish specific goals. We will also be solving problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.
Vocabulary: algorithm, code (computer), computer command, decompose, import, loop, nested loop, random numbers, remix, script libraries, variable
Religion and Worldviews - Why does religion look different around the world? Part 2
We will be continuing to learn about how different religions are celebrated differently around the world – this will include looking at Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism. We will find similarities and difference between these religions and will also explore different questions that children come up with during lessons.
Vocabulary: abstain, adornment, avatar, Buddhist Canon, celestial, commemorate, consent, cultivate, culture, deities, devotee, Dharma, Dharmic religion, diversity, Diwali, Eightfold Path, impermanence, incarnation, interpretation, intervention, King Ashoka, liberation, Mahavira, Mahayana, monastic practices, monastic practices, monastics, omnipresent, Pandit, prevail, righteousness, Sacred Thread Ceremony, stupa, Theravada, Tirthankara, tradition, Vajrayana, values, vanquish, virtue, Zen
MFL - French – Clothes
We will be learning how to talk about clothes in French
Vocabulary: un T-shirt, un short, un pantalon, un chapeau, une culotte, une chemise, un pull, des bottes, une robe, des chaussettes, des baskets, il/elle porte
Music - Songs of WW2
We will be continuing to explore songs of World War 2 to develop greater accuracy in pitch and control. We will be identifying pitches within an octave when singing and using knowledge of pitch to develop confidence when singing in parts.
Vocabulary: Morale, Britain, Troops, Frontline, Vera Lynn, Contrast, Musical terms, Tempo
PSHE – Health and Wellbeing
We will be learning about diet, oral hygiene, physical activity and the facts around immunisation. We will be exploring rest and relaxation and how they affect physical and mental health. We will also look at strategies for being resilient in challenging situations and planning for long-term goals.
Vocabulary: goals, relaxation, meditate, mindfulness, diet, dental hygiene, rest, physical activity, technology, mental health, resilience, immunisation, habits
Geography – North and South America
We will be learning what the difference is between rural and urban locations in countries across the whole continent including exploring Megacities and Favelas.
Vocabulary: sustain, populous, makeshift, favelas, grid, locate, easting, northings, outskirts, sewers, stereotypes, portrayed. Four figure grid reference,
DT - Mechanical systems – Pop-up Books
We will be designing, making and evaluating a pop-up book for a Year 1 child. This will be based on the theme of Nursery Rhymes.
Vocabulary: design, input, motion, mechanism, criteria, research, reinforce, model
PE - Further details to follow
Outdoor: Basketball
Indoor: Dance
Important dates for this term:
Term begins 31/10/23
Halloween Disco: 31/10/23
Individual photos: 2/11/23
Consultation evenings: 6/11/23 and 8/11/23
Flu immunizations: 15/11/23
Anti-Bullying week: 13 – 17/11/23
Christmas Jumper day: 7/12/23
Christmas disco: 7/12/23
P/C event TBC: 11-14/12/24
Christmas lunch: 19/12/23
Terms ends: 20/12/23