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Autumn 2



Instruction writing - How to Make a Bug Hotel

We will explore the instruction text ‘How to make a bug hotel’ and gain a really good understanding of it. We will then write our own instruction text as a class, before independently writing an instruction text on how to make a bird feeder. Throughout this writing process we will learn how to use the different features of this text type.

Key vocabulary

Model text, title, heading, subheading, non-fiction, instruction, method, steps, bullet points, list, introduction, conjunction


We will continue to learn how to read through daily Read Write Inc. lessons. We will explore a range of texts linked to our units of learning, by using our Reading for Inference skills. We will also be exploring a range of alternative fairy tales.

Books we will be reading:

The Big Book of Birds

You’re Called What?

A Wild Child’s Book of Birds

Beware of the story book wolves

The day louis got eaten

The Little Red Hen – to link to Mr Wolf’s Pancakes


Goldilocks and just the one bear

Trouble on Planet Christmas

Froggy rescue

The Three Little Twisted Pigs

The Last Wolf

Rapunzel and the Billy Goats

Cinderella and the beanstalk

Snow White and the Enormous Turnip

Key vocabulary

Echo read, paired read, think like a detective, notice breakdown, visualise, background knowledge, VIP words, question, wonder, predict


We will continue our focus on Addition and Subtraction, learning how to add and subtract two digit numbers across a 10. We will also be learning about the features of 2D and 3D shapes, including sides and vertices. We will use this knowledge to sort shapes. We will also be learning about money: we will learn how to recognise coins and notes, compare amounts and find totals, differences and change. We will then begin to recognise, make and add equal groups.

Key vocabulary

Add, subtract, greater, more, less, column, method, tens, ones, exchange, sides, vertices, faces, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, triangle, square, rectangle, circle, pentagon, hexagon, cone, sphere, pyramid, triangle base, cylinder, cuboid, symmetry, notes, change, pence, pound, difference, equal, groups, share, divide

Science – Humans & Materials

Humans: We will learn about the needs of humans, including exercise, hygiene, a healthy diet and looking after our teeth.

Materials: We will explore different materials; learning about and comparing their properties. We will explore and work with wood, paper, cardboard, brick, rock, metal and fabrics.

Key vocabulary 

Humans: heart, exercise, physical health, mental health, healthy diet, meat, vegetables, fruit, sugar, hygiene, germs, disease, doctor, teeth, plaque, filling

Materials: material, natural, man-made, recycle, smooth, rough, flexible, rigid, rock, stone, pebble, brick, brittle, transparent, translucent, opaque

Geography – Geography: Would you rather live in a hot or cold place?

We will learn where the continents are, where the hottest and coldest places on earth are and what it is like in hot and cold places. We will then use our knowledge to decide if we would rather live in a hot or cold place.

Key vocabulary

Continent, land, ocean, country, locate, sea, globe, desert, climate, pack ice, arid, compass, weather, ice sheet, savannah, grasslands, tropical, vegetation, rainforest, weather, polar, human feature, rural, physical feature, Equator, urbanmap

Computing – What is a computer?

We will explore exactly what a computer is by learning how inputs and outputs work, how computers are used in the wider world and designing our own computerised invention!

Key vocabulary

Battery, buttons, computer, desktop, device, electricity, input, invention, keyboard, laptop, monitor, mouse, output, technology, wire 

Design and Technology - Baby Bear’s Chair

Using the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears as inspiration, we will help Baby Bear by making him a brand new chair. When designing the chair, we will consider his needs and what he likes and explore ways of building it so that it is strong.

Key Vocabulary

Function, man-made, mould, natural, stable, stiff, strong, structure, test, weak

Religion and Worldviews  -  What do candles mean to people?

We will investigate the ways light is used in religious and worldview contexts. We will explore different festivals through artwork and stories, use natural resources to create advent wreaths and explore different hanukiah to develop our understanding of the symbolism of candles during Hanukkah.

Key vocabulary

Advent, calendar, candle, Christmas, culture, Diwali, festival, fire, gallery, hanukiah, Hanukkah, light, Maccabees, miracle, prayer, Rama, Ramayana, sacred, Sita, Sunday, symbol, temple, wick, wreath 

Music – Orchestral instruments

Children will learn about the instruments in an orchestra and practise identifying these when listening to music. We will learn how different characters are represented by ‘timbre’, how emotions can be represented by ‘pitch’ and how changes in ‘tempo’ can convey action. We will use this knowledge to support us in the preparing for and performing our Christmas play.

Key Vocabulary

Orchestra, strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, dynamics, sound effects, tempo, timbre, vocals

 PSHE – Health and Wellbeing

We will learn about the benefits of exercise and relaxation on physical health and wellbeing, learn strategies for managing emotions, set goals, develop a growth mindset and understand dental hygiene.

Key vocabulary:

Diet, emotions, exercise, growth mindset, healthy, physical activity, relaxation, skill, strengths

 PE – Boccia and tag rugby

Boccia – we will work as a team and think tactically about ball placement for this game.

Tag rugby – we will work on use of space and using tactics to close each other down and begin to attack and defend.

Key Vocabulary

Attack, defend, tag, mark, tactics, positioning, aim, strength, power

 Helpful websites:

 Key dates

31/10/23 – Halloween disco

31/10/23 – Halloween menu

13/11/23 – 17/11/23 – Anti-bullying week

17/11/23 – Children in Need

7/12/23 – Christmas jumper day

7/12/23 – Christmas disco

20/12/23 – Last day of term