Summer 1
Fiction – Quest – Little Charlie
We will be learning the story of Little Charlie, and exploring the features the author has used and the effect they have. We will then learn how to write our own similar quest, which will include lots of action.
Key vocabulary
Character, action, setting, description, quest, describe, adjective
We will explore a range of texts linked to our units of learning, by using our Reading for Inference skills.
Books we will be reading:
The Little Red Hen
I can only draw worms
Aaaarrgghh, spider!
A Butterfly is Patient
My Butterfly Bouquet
Do you love Bugs?
The Bug Collector
Yucky Worms
Mad About Minibeasts
Bug Hotel
Insect Detective
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
I love Bugs!
Key vocabulary
Think like a detective, notice breakdown, visualise, background knowledge, VIP words, question, wonder, predict, summarise
Maths – Multiplication and Division & Fractions
We will be focusing on the key skills of multiplication and division, these include: counting in 2s, 10s and 5s, recognising and making equal groups, adding equal groups, making arrays and making doubles.
In fractions we will learn how to recognise and find a half of an object, shape or quantity. Then we will learn how to recognise and find a quarter of an object, shape or quantity.
Key vocabulary
Multiply, divide, share, equal groups, array, double, row, column, half, quarter, fraction
Science – Seasonal change & Animals including Humans
We will be learning the names of a range of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will also be learning to name a variety of animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
When learning about seasonal change, we will identify changes across the four seasons, in addition to this, we will observe and describe weather associated with the season and how long day length varies.
Key vocabulary
Animal, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, season, seasonal change, weather, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
RE – The Creation Story – Who made the world?
We will be learning and discussing The Creation Story, and using this to help us understand who Christians believe made the world.
Key vocabulary
Christian, Jesus, God, Creation, Earth, World
Art – Craft and Design - Woven Wonders
We will be exploring the different ways that art can be made, before learning how to measure, arrange and fix materials. We will also explore plaiting, threading, knotting and weaving techniques, before combining techniques in a piece of woven art work.
Key vocabulary
Art, artist, craft, knot, loom, plait, thread, threading, warp, weaving, weft
Music – By the Sea – Vocal and body sounds
We will be exploring the music we can create with vocal and body sounds, using the theme of 'by the sea'. As part of this we will learn the meaning of and practise the following aspects of music: pulse, tempo, dynamics, timbre, pitch, rhythm, texture and structure.
Key vocabulary
Body percussion, dynamics, graphic score, instruments, pitch, seaside, sounds, tempo, timbre
PE - Athletics
Outdoor: We will be practising our running and throwing techniques using a variety of equipment, including bean bags, quoits and balls.
Indoor: We will be learning how to jump for distance and height, through the events of long jump and vertical jump.
Key vocabulary
Running, throwing, bean bag, quoit, ball, aim, distance, power, jump, long jump, vertical jump, height
PSHE – Citizenship & Economic well-being
We will be learning how children might get money and the different ways to keep money safe. We will also discuss the role of banks and building societies. We will also explore the different choices people make about spending, saving and jobs.
Key vocabulary
Bank, bank account, building society, cash, choice, coins, earn, interest, job, money, money box, notes, pocket money, purse, safe, save, skill, spend, value, wallet
Geography – How is life different in China?
We will begin by reminding ourselves of what we know about our local area and where we live. We will then learn where China is, what we can see in China and what Shanghai is like. Finally, we will use our knowledge to answer the question 'How is Shanghai different from our local area?'
Key vocabulary
Continent, country, different, directional language e.g. near, far, next to, behind, etc., key, human feature, map, physical feature, similar, symbol
Key dates
18.4.23 - Start of term
1.5.23 – Bank Holiday – School closed
8.5.23 – Bank Holiday – School closed
24.5.23 – Year 1 zoo trip
26.5.23 – Last day of term