Spring 2
English: Writing
Our first genre focus will be Play Scripts. Through this we will demonstrate that we can write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences, selecting language that shows good awareness of the reader. Our knowledge of the features of a play script and formality changes between scene setting, narrative and character voice will be developed. Will will also explore how a character's thoughts and feelings can be conveyed through what they say and what they do.
The main areas of focus for our non-narrative writing will be a Non-Chronological report on Earthquakes. We will be selecting formal language that shows good awareness of the reader and using a range of devices to build cohesion within and across a paragraph - higher order connective phrases. In addition to this, a range of sentence structures and formal language will be developed.
Click here for creative writing guides
Click here for BBC Bitesize Grammar
Maths: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
In Maths, we will continue our work on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages focussing on equivalents and ordering. This will be followed be learning how to work out find fractions and percentages of amounts. This will include working with decimals and fractions in real world contexts – linked to measure including money.
Once this is complete, our focus will be on Measure - Area, Perimeter and Volume. We will be following and finding rules for calculating the area of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms before looking at perimeter with a wide range of shapes. We will also learn how to calculate the volume of a shape.
Finally, we will look at Statistics and learn to draw and interpret a wide range of graphs and charts. In addition, we will learn about averages and calculate the mean, median, mode and range of a data set.
Vocabulary: equivalent order compare convert area perimeter volume perpendicular parallel parallelogram average mean median mode range
Click here for Nrich reasoning and problem solving
Click here for Maths is Fun games and puzzles
Science - Animals including humans
We will identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood and design and conduct experiments around pulse rate and blood flow.
In addition, we will recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way our bodies function.
Click here for BBC Bitesize Science
Other Curriculum Areas
History - Islam - Cordoba the City of Light
In this unit, we will explore how Islam burst out of Arabia and why it travelled so far, so quickly. Through story-telling, we will learn about the development of Cordoba, its importance in terms of learning and art and how it became a city of three religions.
Vocabulary: warring disputes Caliphs warfare Samarkand Sind territory advance factors liberators tolerant booty inheritance taking them captive treasurers surveyors dynasty Ummayad Damascus criticise rally round Abbasids unfurled banners Abd al-Rahman massacre biblical fugitive Cordoba: city of light Cordoba unwinding turban emir stranger homeland exile urgent stonemasons glance sturdy delicate aisles jade musician lute Peoples of the Book provoked clamped down locust minaret splendour ancestors sought out mihrab adapted production extension Berbers deadly Almohads momentum expelled triumph cathedral enraged town council unique
Geography - Deserts
In this unit we will explore what a desert is, how they are formed and what its climate and key physical features are. We will complete a case study of the Sahara and Patagonian deserts and learn about how plants and animals survive and adapt to the environment. We will look at how humans have used deserts.
Vocabulary:hydrated dehydrated desert vegetation arid Sahara Desert plummet lush sand dunes oasis oases store camels Sahel semi-arid drought productive non-productive desertification physical nutrients overgrazing herd over-farming Desert Core vocabulary variety flora fauna obtain desolate succulents cactus cacti spines prevent meerkat nocturnal chameleon Antarctica penguins polar bears blubber lichen modern traditional tents divert steppe Great Steppe Silk Road yurts portable Patagonia rain shadow hostile exceeds feature exposes extinct
Computing – Intro to Python
In this unit the children will learn about programming using Python. We will begin with decomposing a programme into an algorithm, writing our algorithms and learning how to quickly debug them to make them more efficient.
We will then remix existing programmes using the language of Python whilst using logical thinking to explore software independently, iterating ideas and test them continuously.
Vocabulary: Algorithm Code Command Design Import Indentation Input Instructions Loop Output Patterns Random Remix Repeat Shape
Religious Education: People of God
In this unit children will explain connections between biblical texts and the idea of God’s covenant with his people, using theological terms. They will go on to show how Christians put their beliefs about living as the People of God into practice in different ways; for example, through the Five Marks of Mission, in community and individually. Finally, they will weigh up how Christian ideas about justice relate to the issues, problems and opportunities of their own lives and the world today, developing insights of their own.
Vocabulary: biblical theology belief freedom salvation practice belief faith justice inspire resurrection sacrifice
Music- Film Music
In Music we will be recognising and confidently discussing the stylistic features of music and relating it to other aspects of the Arts and identify the way that features of a song can complement one another. When recording, we will represent changes in pitch, dynamics and texture using graphic notation and use musical vocabulary correctly when describing and evaluating the features of a piece of music. Finally, they will record their own composition using appropriate forms of notation and/or technology and discuss and evaluate their own and others work.
Vocabulary: Accelerando body percussion brass characteristics chords chromatics clashing composition convey crescendo descending dynamics emotion imagery improvise interpret interval major melodic minor modulate orchestral pitch sequence solo soundtrack symbol timpani
MFL - French - In a French Classroom
In this unit, the children will learn to respond to and give simple instructions, learn and use vocabulary for items commonly found in a school bag and begin to build simple sentences using 'I have...' and 'I don't have...' and link ideas with 'and' or 'but.' By the end of the unit the children will use all they have learned to write short descriptions in French.
PSHE - Safety and the Changing Body
In this unit, the children will learn about the effect of drugs such as alcohol and caffeine on the body, how to keep themselves safe online and when using social media. In addition, we will learn about the changes that occur during puberty, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. A letter will be sent out to parents explaining the full content of this unit.
We will also learn about basic first aid.
Vocabulary: Much of the vocabulary within this unit is of an age appropriate nature so will not be shared here.
D and T - Cams
In this unit, the children will investigate, design, make and evaluate a moving toy that uses cams as part of its mechanism. The children will complete focussed tasks to learn the measuring, cutting and joining skills necessary to be successful and learn how to use a range of tools and materials safely.
Vocabulary: cam snail cam off-centre cam peg cam pear shaped cam follower axle shaft crank, handle housing framework rotation rotary motion oscillating motion reciprocating motion annotated sketches exploded diagrams mechanical system input movement process output movement design decisions functionality innovation authentic user purpose design specification design brief
PE - Dance and Volleyball