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Spring 2

Earth and Space

In Spring 2, we will continue our journey into the universe in our Reading for Inference and Writing.


Our stimulus for writing in Spring 2 will be the International Space Station. This will enable us to write our explanation text on 'How to be an Astronaut'. To further support our writing, we will look at a range of non-fiction texts in our Guided Reading lessons, and, of course, our previous Science learning on Earth and the Solar System.

Our language focus for the term will be to develop our understanding and range of grammar, as well as developing our repertoire of 'explanation language'. Learning to edit and attention to neat, cursive handwriting will play a crucial role in this too. 

Pupils should continue to use Bedrock at home to support with their vocabulary - it is also our aim to access this resource daily in school.

Vocabulary: word class, noun phrase, noun, adjective, verb, modal verb, adverb, adverbial, preposition, conjunction, co-ordinating clause, co-ordinating conjunction, subordinate clause, subordinating conjunction, causal conjunction, present simple, modal verbs, perspective, impersonal 'it'

Guided Reading - Reading for Inference 

We will use a variety to texts - both fiction and non-fiction texts about life in space on the International Space Station (the ISS) - to enable us to apply our learning to a range of question types, and to make links between different books and our own growing general knowledge. We will continue to use text annotation as a method of exploring a text, and will build on our retrieval and inference reading skills. In order to support your child with both their grammar and reading at home, please use the following links:


We will continue to focus on fractions before moving on to learn about decimals and percentages, and perimeter and area. Times tables and generating new facts from those known will be a focus within the classroom and during our morning task time. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall these facts in order to access the Year 5 curriculum thoroughly. We will be using Number and Lightning as the basis of our knowledge to support our arithmetic skills. Pupils will be taught operations in depth and will be tasked with using these in a variety of different contexts. 

Vocabulary: multiplication, multiply,  fraction, numerator, denominator, equivalent, improper, mixed, sequence, integers, decimal, decimal place, decimal point, round, percentage, rectilinear shape, compound shape, polygon, perimeter, area

Homework will continue to be set via the MyMaths website.  In order to support your child with their times table knowledge at home and with arithmetic in general, please use the following links:


Our Science exploration in Spring 2 will be on properties and changes of matter. We will learn about states of matter and properties of materials. We will investigate dissolving and separating materials, and understand reversible and irreversible changes.

Vocabulary:  solid, liquid, gas, soluble, insoluble, reversible, irreversible, solution, change

History: Córdoba - The city of light

We will further our understanding of early Islam as we learn about Córdoba.

Vocabulary: warring disputes Caliphs warfare Samarkand Sind territory advance factors liberators tolerant booty inheritance taking them captive treasurers surveyors dynasty Ummayad Damascus criticise rally round Abbasids unfurled banners Abd al-Rahman massacre biblical fugitive Córdoba unwinding turban emir stranger homeland exile urgent stonemasons glance sturdy delicate  aisles jade musician lute Peoples of the Book provoked clamped down locust minaret  splendour ancestors sought out mihrab adapted production extension  Berbers deadly Almohads momentum expelled triumph cathedral enraged town council unique

Geography: Deserts

In Geography this term, we will be learning about deserts. We will investigate types of desert, how they form, and look at the Sahara and Patagonian deserts as examples.

Vocabulary: hydrated dehydrated desert vegetation arid Sahara Desert plummet  lush sand dunes oasis oases store camels Sahel semi-arid drought  productive non-productive desertification physical nutrients overgrazing herd overfarming Desert Core vocabulary variety flora fauna obtain desolate succulents cactus cacti spines prevent meerkat nocturnal chameleon Antarctica penguins polar bears blubber lichen  modern traditional tents divert steppe Great Steppe Silk Road yurts portable  Patagonia rain shadow hostile exceeds feature exposes extinct


We will be focusing on developing Rounders skills in our outdoor PE lessons. In our indoor PE, we will continue our Dance lessons with a focus on Disco dancing and Lindy Hop.

Vocabulary: team, collaboration, agility, speed, stamina, line, formation, unison, mirroring, rhythm, beat, sequence, partner work, motif, choreography, direction, dynamics, fluid, facial expressions, improvise, levels, transition, accumulative, cannon, climax, criteria, seamless transition, audience    


Our R.E. learning this term will focus on exploring a new Big Question: What does it mean if God is Holy and Loving?

Vocabulary: God, holy, loving, Christianity, Christian, faith


In Computing, we will be learning about animation, in particular stop animation. We will plan and create a stop animation project.  

Vocabulary: animation, still images, moving images, thaumatrope, flip book, zoetrope, frames, digital device, onion skinning, story board, decomposition, character, model, design, animator, background, edit, evaluate, fluid movement.

Design and Technology

In DT, we will be learning about frames and structures. We will think about the purpose and design of buildings.

Vocabulary: frame structure, stiffen, strengthen, reinforce, triangulation, stability, shape, join, temporary, permanent design brief, design specification, prototype, annotated sketch, purpose, user, innovation, research, functional

Art and Design

This term, we will be exploring sculpture, in particular interactive installations. We will plan and create our own installations.

Vocabulary: analyse; art medium; atmosphere; concept; culture; display; elements; evaluate; experience; features; influence; installation art; interact; interactive; location; performance art; props; revolution; scale; scaled down; special effects; three dimensional


This term, we will be learning about being in a French classroom, learning to follow instructional language, and name items in a pencil case.


écoutez - listen   regardez - look       parlez - speak      écrivez - write      lisez - read  ouvrez - open     fermez - close         asseyez-vous - sit down    levez-vous - stand uprépétez ! - repeat    silence - silence

Important dates for this term: 

Term begins 20/02/23 

Y5 trip: National Space Centre 27/02/23 

Table tennis event: 28/02/23 

Consultation evenings: 06/03/23 and 08/03/23 

British Science Week: 13/03 - 17/03/23 

Football event: 16/03/23 

National Literacy Trust Online Live event: 17/03/23

Netball event: 21/03/23 

End of term: 31/03/23