Autumn 2
Our learning in Year 4 will build upon prior knowledge and learning as well as delving into and exploring new topics and skills.
Pupils will be working this half-term towards writing 2 independent pieces. We are using an approach in English called Talk For Writing which means pupils will learn the text orally before unpicking its features and writing their own. In the first piece pupils will be focusing on is an instructional text. This will link to their focus in DT for this half-term. Pupils will be looking at imperative verbs throughout this focus.
Our second independent write will be a narrative based on a short film called 'The Supporting Act'. Pupils will watch the wordless film and gain a deep understanding of the feelings experienced by both characters before deciding on one point of view to retell the story from.Within this, pupils will focus on inverted commas and expanded noun phrases.
Many grammatical terms and features will be taught through our English lessons, but pupils will also take part in separate grammar lessons. Pupils will start by recapping sentence structures before moving onto prepositions and apostrophes. We will use these grammar lessons to recap our previous terms learning on fronted adverbials and word classes before looking at the new.
Bedrock will continue to be used to improve pupils’ vocabulary knowledge. Pupils will be given opportunities in class to complete sessions but the expectation for pupils to complete at least 2 lessons a week at home still remains.
Imperative verbs fronted adverbials determiners nouns adjectives inverted commas apostrophes pronouns dialogue description prepositions
Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference which was introduced last year and continued last half-term. Pupils will focus on inference and visualisation, both of which will support the pupils’ ability to unpick and relate to a text. This approach enables the pupils to gain a deeper understanding of what they are reading and helps pupils to learn strategies to support them in becoming good and confident readers. In addition to this, our focus will be on finding evidence appropriate to the point being made. Pupils will have to ensure that every answer given, is supported by information taken from the text.
fluency infer relate relationship evidence point explanation argument
Initially, pupils will focus on addition and subtraction, with the main focus being on reasoning and problem solving and knowing when to use each calculation. After this, pupils will move on to multiplication and division. Within multiplication, we will focus on short multiplication and becoming confident with the method and the process of it. Within division, we will look not only at the division facts related to our times tables but also dividing and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. We looked into this at the end of last half-term, so again it will be about consolidating this learning and using it to reason and problem solve.
Each week pupils will complete a Number and Lightning and skills for this will be taught in addition to their daily Maths lesson. Pupils who are already competent in various areas will further embed their understanding.
Times Tables will be a huge focus in class, with daily teaching and practise. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 in order to access all of the curriculum. Pupils should also work on their times table at home.
Addition subtraction sum multiplication division divisor product share split even split total method perseverance trial and error systematic reasoning
Other Subjects
Our topic this half-term will be Humans Including Animals. Within this we will look at the digestive system, our teeth and how it is important to keep them healthy. Pupils will take part in various experiments to support their learning. In addition to this, we will look at food chains and how it all links with each step relying on another in order to work.
Digestion organ saliva salivary gland bile metabolism stomach intestine bowl oral hygiene molar incisor wisdom pre molar decay plaque gums
We will be following Kapow for our Computing this term and will be focusing on programming and using Scratch. Within this topic, pupils will be looking at different variables and using these to create their own codes.
Code variables code block conditioning direction icon project stage variable tinker orientation programmer feature decompose
Our topic this half-term is all about Health and Wellbeing. This topic will link to Science as we look at how to look after our teeth and our bodies, but we will also explore being happy, how it is ok to make mistakes and how we can look after our mental health.
Fluoride healthy mental health negative emotions relaxation resilience skill visualise
Our topic within RE is What does it means to be a Sikh in Britain today? Pupils will look at their beliefs and place of worship. Who and when they worship, their values and the difference between Sikhism and other religions.
Sikhism Guru Guru Nanak worship value Gurdwara community symbol
service belief
Pupils will take part in two PE lessons each week. One lesson will be focused on Netball and the other on Boccia.
Netball – pupils will learn the correct techniques for the four main passes within Netball (chest, shoulder, overhead and bounce), how to land correctly and abide by the footwork rule. Pupils will focus in on attacking, included movement patterns, changes of direction and moving into space.
Chest pass shoulder pass bounce pass overhead pass footwork team work cooperation movement space direction skill discipline fitness
Boccia – Boccia is traditionally a sport played by disabled participants as it can be adapted in so many ways to enable all to access. It will allow the pupils to appreciate different sports that they may not otherwise experience. Boccia teaches precision, accuracy, hand eye co-ordination and perseverance.
Accuracy power angles lunge perseverance evaluate adapt curve straight hand eye-co-ordination
We will be focusing in on Roman Empire. As well as this, we will look at Julius Caesar, Augustus, Claudius and Nero. Furthermore, we will look at Pompeii and the eruption of Vesuvius.
Province governor legion rebel frontier forts Gaul Julius Caeser Pompey Foreign Brutus Idea of March Descended Cunning Augustus emperor Claudius proclaim advantage aqueducts Nero Colleseum Pompeii Vesuvius Vapour Pliny Debris Judeo Rebellion Imperial
In Geography, we will be looking at Population. We will look at what population is, migration, multi-ethnic London, multi-ethnic Cardiff, the Welsh language and Culture and Welsh and Identify.
Population population density sparsely populated densely populated distribution migration rural urban ethnic diverse census ethnicity Welsh Cymraeg Eisteddfod Wales British Identity
The topic in French this half-term is French Greetings. We will look at the different greetings used at different times of day and will be looking at how we can ask others if they are ok. In addition, we will be learning some French rhymes and making our own French finger puppets.
Bonjour je m’appelle comment t’appelles tu? Et toi? Un deux trios bonsoir nounours mon ange au revoir regardez-moi mon amour
Linked to our topic, pupils will be cooking this term as they aim to plan, prepare, make and evaluate a healthy snack. Pupils will be able to discuss the texture, taste, appearance and smell of similar products before deciding on their own.
Equipment healthy nutritious hygienic edible grown reared processed seasonal harvested varied utensils measure scale technique ingredients