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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to the new academic year. We are all delighted to be working with Year 2. 

In our class there are regular adults who work with your children, these are:

Mrs Hartley - Class Teacher

Mrs Fox - HLTA - PPA cover

Mrs Beach - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Redhead - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Akash - Teaching Assistant

Year 2 is an exciting and challenging year for the children as it brings the end of Key Stage 1. At the end of this academic year, the team will assess each child against a set of criteria for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science. They will take part in statutory testing, known as SATs. In Year 2 this is delivered in a way that is as relaxed as possible whilst maintaining the formality of test conditions. The tests are used as part of a package of information that informs a final judgement made by the teacher.

We will work hard to help each and every child to achieve. Parents/Carers can give their child an advantage by reading regularly at home together. The ability to read fluently and comprehend information has a significant impact on children's ability in all subject areas. Please check Class Dojo at the end of each week to see what we are learning the following week and how you can support your child at home. 

Below are some additional websites that might be useful in helping your child at home:





We are really looking forward to working with our Year 2 children and parents/carers.