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Welcome to Reception

A very warm welcome to the Norwood Community and a special welcome to the children as they begin their learning journey.

The adults working in Reception are;

  • Mrs L Blake (Class Teacher)
  • Mrs C Marks - (Teaching Assistant)
  • Miss A Reynolds - (Teaching Assistant)
  • Miss L Cater - (Teaching Assistant)
  • Planning, Preparation and Assessment cover - Miss Greenwood - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

In Reception, we aim to provide a caring, engaging and exciting environment where children develop a real thirst for learning. The staff work hard to watch and listen to the children and build a curriculum around their ideas and interests. We recognise that all children are individuals and we will plan their learning to match their unique needs. We create an ethos where we nurture each child to ensure they grow in confidence, showing an ability to express themselves and celebrate their successes.

Over the year, the children will learn about each other and will develop their skills of communication, cooperation and negotiation and develop friendships. As parents/carers you will be able to see them to begin to read and develop a strong understanding of number, shape, space and measures.

We like to begin our year with getting to know each other. With lots of activities to allow the children to talk about themselves and find out about their class friends. 

Each half-term we will share with you the books that we are focusing on and themes that will thread through our learning that you can support them with at home towards reaching the Early Learning Goals at the end of the year. 

There will be 2 Parents Evenings and lots of opportunities for you to share your child's learning journey both in school and through our Tapestry journals.

Useful Websites are;

We look forward to working with your children and developing a strong partnership.